Aussie Growers Thread

haha good old glam rock.

Vince Neil tells a story in their book about walking down the street in conservative America dressed as glam tarts and fighting the cowboys
Fk they were a wild band in their day. Sharon Ozborne banned Ozzy from hanging around them as they were a bad influence on snorted a line of ants at a resort cause of

hard to belive but in there hay day they were the biggest band in the world. But then again..maybe not
I got that book
That star killer looks so nice when done right I had one that I was just about to flower when I had some issues with a grow and didn't get a chance to. Last year was a wierd season alright was one of the worst condition wise with early flowering,fuck all rain then it rained from end of feb till mid April :( we had 3 days with no rain in all of march
Yeah we had about 7 weeka of rain during flowering. All indica's turned to sludge and the mostly pure Sativa's didn't worry them. Gotta love Sativa's.
Hahahaha totally agree bro!!

Lol, I've been following NL and BB since 1995, I just wish I was smart enough back then to make seeds of my NL and the skunk, that shit would smash anything these days right out of the park :( I will find them again, I just need it legalised so I can do it without the mrs kicking up a stink!!
The one of NL we were smoking for 6 or 7 yrs in the 90s the buds of no were almost white
As much as I want to believe the original NL was full indica, I strongly believe it had some thai sativa in it, maybe a highland thai. The high just doesnt lend itself to a full afghani indica, no matter how many amber trichs you get. I could be wrong but I've had some truly euphoric NL plants that have blown me away and have been incredible for making love hahaha

Old TH seeds, I got them way back in 2002 from Amsterdam :)
If its bubblegum from TH nd an older pack u gonna hit paydirt
so i figured out the humidity think im just gunna have 2 keep filling bjt now its cold shit humidity was at 41 percent when i checked an hour ago