Trump unites NFL - against him.

I grew up in the 80's. I watched things like Rocky, The Last Dragon so forth.... I love it when people tell me I can't do something... I'll do it or die trying at that point. My hangup maybe.....
Ok, just watched this. What the guy had to say was 100% true. I just don't know that I would categorize those "priveldges" along side skin color.

Think of it this way. Good looking people definitely have a leg up in life. No doubt. But if you took a good looking white woman, and a good looking black woman, who do you think is more likely to catch a break from a cop that pulls them over? I think skin color is the biggest priveldge of them all, but that's not to say that being tall, or smart, or good looking doesn't have its perks.
I think it's more about class, than race today. Wealth is the greatest privilege. Always has been.
If skin color is the greatest privilege why are there multitudes of dirt poor white people buying Kid Rock tickets?
I like the idea of not judging people. I don't buy into your conspiracy theories but oh well. I'll buy your products if they are good and I need them, and not if they suck, regardless of your politics.

Somehow, I doubt you are as magnanimous as you would have us believe. Doubt hell. I know you are not. Few will buy your bullshit, skidmark. Why you're probably the Boycott Queen down at the KKK lodge.
Weird. I don't remember reading about a time when short people got tied to a post and whipped while being called "shorty" or were forced to work in the fields. Come on. You people cannot be serious with this shit.

Have you watched the video? Did you read my post?

I never tried to equate being short with being black. Quite the opposite in fact.

Aside from your gross misrepresentation of what I said, I would like you to poke holes in the video. Do tall people not have advantages? What about smart people? Good looking people?

I'm not saying that being short is the same as being black. You said that
Somehow, I doubt you are as magnanimous as you would have us believe. Doubt hell. I know you are not. Few will buy your bullshit, skidmark. Why you're probably the Boycott Queen down at the KKK lodge.
Im a better person now than I used to be and I hope to be better still. Wish me luck!
I think it's more about class, than race today. Wealth is the greatest privilege. Always has been.
If skin color is the greatest privilege why are there multitudes of dirt poor white people buying Kid Rock tickets?

The prisons. End of story. Once that's been dealt with I'll just be mildly annoyed when white people whine about their lot in life instead of angry as shit.
White 'witches' got tied to a post and burned alive. Whens the last time there was black lynchings?
Let's be real. Please find out how many Presidents or CEO's are under 6'. Not common. Today and all of history.
White 'witches' got tied to a post and burned alive. Whens the last time there was black lynchings?
Let's be real. Please find out how many Presidents or CEO's are under 6'. Not common. Today and all of history.

Okay. Hair metal sucks. You made me say it.
I think it's more about class, than race today. Wealth is the greatest privilege. Always has been.
If skin color is the greatest privilege why are there multitudes of dirt poor white people buying Kid Rock tickets?

Careful're treading in to the deep end here at RIU!

I mostly agree with that. Especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. If you have money, chances are you can buy your freedom regardless of skin color. Bill Cosby, OJ Simpson, and Ray Lewis are proof positive of that. BUT, take an average black man, and an average white man and my money is on the white guy walking before the black guy. Skin color does matter.
Careful're treading in to the deep end here at RIU!

I mostly agree with that. Especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. If you have money, chances are you can buy your freedom regardless of skin color. Bill Cosby, OJ Simpson, and Ray Lewis are proof positive of that. BUT, take an average black man, and an average white man and my money is on the white guy walking before the black guy. Skin color does matter.

Bullshit. Many of our very institutions have racist underpinnings. Why are you people trying so hard to dismiss and minimize the plight of our black brothers and sisters? What's in it for you?
Careful're treading in to the deep end here at RIU!

I mostly agree with that. Especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. If you have money, chances are you can buy your freedom regardless of skin color. Bill Cosby, OJ Simpson, and Ray Lewis are proof positive of that. BUT, take an average black man, and an average white man and my money is on the white guy walking before the black guy. Skin color does matter.
Sure seems to matter in jury selection, too.
The prisons. End of story. Once that's been dealt with I'll just be mildly annoyed when white people whine about their lot in life instead of angry as shit.

Yeah and what are prisons full of? Space slaves.... Non violent drug offenders. As I've stated the controlled substances act is racist. So let's protest that? As I've said. Take the power away then they can't abuse it. That act is power. Power to search you harrass you so forth..... As for the rest. If you are a rapist chomo murderer ect. I don't care what you look like your ass needs to be there.