Name a country that's better than America

Why should we judge each other based on who we think is better? I get the competition aspect of it, and I partly agree with it, it helps drive innovation, but when it comes to things like national disasters, it's nice to see something that lets each of us know there is still a very real connection between all of us, despite our imaginary borders and boundaries;
Yes, Dwight D. Eisenhower. The last Republican President actually worthy of an ounce of respect;

Sadly - he did not warn JFK enough. Eisenhower knew how evil wars were.

Unfortunately, JFK touched 3 third rails - Federal Reserve (all President killed or almost killed opposed Central Banks), CIA and staying out of the Vietnam War.

That's sweet you carry bucks water for him. I even see the bucket used.
Another bitter Buck "victim". Tragic.
and all of this bitterness from spaghettinoodle simply because i won;t let him or anyone else forget that he purposely chose to post a picture of an ultra-racialized jew who was defaced with hitler's star of david and knowingly post it at me, a jew, and claim it was a joke.

then he claimed he had *no idea* that hitler made jews, including members of my wife's own family, wear the star of david in nazi germany.

he is so bitter that i simply remind him about his own racist, anti-semitic, nazi decisions in life.

well too fucking bad for that whiny crybaby nazi bitch.

also, his dick doesn't even work and his wife left him. LOL
and all of this bitterness from spaghettinoodle simply because i won;t let him or anyone else forget that he purposely chose to post a picture of an ultra-racialized jew who was defaced with hitler's star of david and knowingly post it at me, a jew, and claim it was a joke.

then he claimed he had *no idea* that hitler made jews, including members of my wife's own family, wear the star of david in nazi germany.

he is so bitter that i simply remind him about his own racist, anti-semitic, nazi decisions in life.

well too fucking bad for that whiny crybaby nazi bitch.

also, his dick doesn't even work and his wife left him. LOL

You have a way of burrowing in there. I take comfort in their discomfort. There's no doubt you linger in the minds of many of these fuckers here, long after they've signed out. They spend their down time trying to come up with snappy retorts to burn you and then sign in and utterly fail. Quite amusing. Nazis are none too bright.
Not too many countries (that anyone would want to live in) would let me keep my guns
Yet most are safer places to live than the United States.

I don't need to reiterate that guns don't make people safer.

Crimes involving bodily injury occur at far lower rates in most of those other desirable countries. Maybe the trade is worthwhile?

Americans are paranoid and afraid. They cover it with bluster and gun collections.

Just musing...