Lol. You literally sound like you're mentally ill now that you're pretending to not have a clue what I'm asking for all this time or how this conversation even started. Funny that you're telling me I sound crazy. Btw that's offensive to people with mental illnesses you heartless bastard. Stop triggering all those poor mentally ill people. You don't even realize you're triggering yourself too with your insensitive hate speech.
You don't have to prove anything, and that's exactly what you did, so here we are, still at the very beginning, I'm still trying to figure out why you ppl are (supporting) bashing ppls heads in. You really believe in the cause don't you lol, apparently you're not even willing to tell us who the fascists are. Or is this all just because you're scared to leave too much specifics as you're supporting a terrorist group? Better not be too vocal about supporting violence against regular ppl, they're going to crack down on you people sooner or later. Don't want to leave too much of a paper trail eh? But I guess you already failed with that hah, you were pretty clear about supporting violence, you're just being vague about whom you think deserves that treatment and when you named some names you even took it back later lol. Glad you realized it's not going to look pretty for you when you had to explain why for example milo is supposedly a fascist. At least you're not as dumb as those other people in this thread that keep riding my dick even though I'm ignoring them, who are dumb enough to make outrageous claims about specific people like that, of course without providing evidence for the claims. But as you seem to be fully supporting the nonsense they write I'm probably wrong and you're just as dumb if not dumber.
Well I'm really done with wasting my precious time on this nonsense, I learned a lot. Thanks guys.
Best thing I learned is that evidence is not important.
Btw sorry for being white. That's really not nice of me.