Well-Known Member
A Trump supporter would have killed ANTIFA members not Trump supporters.
Trump supporters don't know the difference.
A Trump supporter would have killed ANTIFA members not Trump supporters.
when did he say he hated gays. or are you just making shit up because of stupidityNice try. Answer the question? Why do you hate gays?
when did he say he hated gays. or are you just making shit up because of stupidity
not defending I'm quite sure he is well capable of handling himself.Does he need defending? He's probably doing research to figure out what I'm implying. He'll be okay. I assure you.
Did you watch the video? rifle sounded full auto.Trump supporters are very stupid and weak minded.
The country music might have kept this fool up so he decided to shoot up the place. America and guns. Nobody can take your guns away in 'Merica
not defending I'm quite sure he is well capable of handling himself.
I'm merely trying to see if you are a liar. Now back to the question. When did he say he hated gays ?
Did you watch the video? rifle sounded full auto.
nevada is a class III friendly stateDid you watch the video? rifle sounded full auto.
are you a liar or just ignorant ? Is that like me asking are you fucking your sister ?Did I make that statement? Or did I Simply ask him a question?
I actually didn't hear about it until this morning and it sounds like the white Democrat who shot Scalise for being a Republican. Also the Communist ANTIFA group have been getting more and more violent.You losers spent all night on 4chan trying to figure out how to blame this on jewd, non-whites and leftists and this is the best you can do?
So much for white superiority
You should have seen the NYC one ANTIFA was saved by the cops.are you this stupid in real life ?
Trump supporter would have ran over all these people
It's not hard they are the ones wearing black and red with their faces covered and a lot of Communist flags and symbols.Trump supporters don't know the difference.
He does hate Jews says Orthodox Jews are like our right wingers which he hates clearly.Did I make that statement? Or did I Simply ask him a question?
I don't vote for republucans, dummy.Nice try. Answer the question? Why do you hate gays?
are you a liar or just ignorant ? Is that like me asking are you fucking your sister ?
Are you crying?Did he give you his rulebook? It would seem that you, sir, are the liar. It appears you DO believe he needs defending.
Or a 3D printed full auto courtesy of the local ANTIFA terrorist group. Really Berkeley isn't too far from Vegas.Later today we will hear about how he was an avid deer hunter,,, and those were his hunting rifles