Aussie Growers Thread

so i was looki g on the bunnings website and found these there not organic yet thay claim 2 have added microbes or somthing i took some screenshots money kinda is tight im thinking i wanna do a few auto runs and it claims to feed for 5 months one of them did i think the other was 3 months im confused tho if its not organic wont that kill the microlife also im wondering what the difference is between a fertiliser that says fruit and vegies versus ones that are flowers fruit and citrus would that be more for floweri g not really good for veg but maybe i can just get some cheap potting soil ad some perlight 2 it and call it a day im oretty broke atm as mutch as i wanna learnall this stuff i think is be better of doinfpg it for my out door garden u guys rekon i could use these if so what should i get Screenshot_20171003-001448.png Screenshot_20171003-001953.png Screenshot_20171003-002006.png
so i was looki g on the bunnings website and found these there not organic yet thay claim 2 have added microbes or somthing i took some screenshots money kinda is tight im thinking i wanna do a few auto runs and it claims to feed for 5 months one of them did i think the other was 3 months im confused tho if its not organic wont that kill the microlife also im wondering what the difference is between a fertiliser that says fruit and vegies versus ones that are flowers fruit and citrus would that be more for floweri g not really good for veg but maybe i can just get some cheap potting soil ad some perlight 2 it and call it a day im oretty broke atm as mutch as i wanna learnall this stuff i think is be better of doinfpg it for my out door garden u guys rekon i could use these if so what should i get View attachment 4020357 View attachment 4020358 View attachment 4020359
If your broke stop looking at online shops lol you don't want that stuff anyway
It's a very very rough rule of thumb 70% it's not even close to being a reliable equation
ye to b honest id take it with a huge grain of salt but im guessing hes line of thinking was thats its like 70 percent water or somthing the main thing is im guessing also nugs is gunna have some very well cured nugs by the time he can finnally smoke it
If your broke stop looking at online shops lol you don't want that stuff anyway
lol im not broke broke ill have over a hundred to my name after i pay bills but i just dont wanna spend every cent on overpriced amendments i was thinking that was cheaper Llike 6 dollers for the 500 gram and i think like 27 for the 3.5 kilo one lol
lol im not broke broke ill have over a hundred to my name after i pay bills but i just dont wanna spend every cent on overpriced amendments i was thinking that was cheaper Llike 6 dollers for the 500 gram and i think like 27 for the 3.5 kilo one lol
One minute ago you were a straight edge organic farmer now you are going to buy slow release salts ?
idk 7 dollers i might get it question is will i get the tomato and vegetable one or the fruit citrus and flower one or will i get the all perpous one 7 dollers in all honesty i have a long list of things i want to do in life as mutch as i want to become a gamja growing god i want 2 have more balence besides while im using it i can take more time to save and figure out my options for a good soil mix
if the weather is ok you can get a smokable dry in 4 days you've got a dehuie haven't u
I don't have a food preserver. But yes. I do have a dehumidifier. Just recently bought one too. 72w and holds 1.5L.

I'll be putting the buds on the rack first thing in the morning. Have to move my light I think.
idk 7 dollers i might get it question is will i get the tomato and vegetable one or the fruit citrus and flower one or will i get the all perpous one 7 dollers in all honesty i have a long list of things i want to do in life as mutch as i want to become a gamja growing god i want 2 have more balence besides while im using it i can take more time to save and figure out my options for a good soil mix
I've got the all purpose. Because that's what the bunnings near me had. Doesn't seem to be too bad. Nothing has died.
One minute ago you were a straight edge organic farmer now you are going to buy slow release salts ?
i was organic cuse i thought synthetic salts or whatever killed the microlife and i thought micro life contributed to taste and what not but it says its got australiancultured micro life if i remember corectly there the makers of powerfeed im not saying acompeny wouod never rip someone off but why would thay put the effort cost of production and what not with the microbes if it was some kind of scam i want to be organic but brother im hurting inside at this point i need so e weed like i saed before i get the little 500 gram one grow some autos get some weed at the same time i can i can put my mony to getting my licence then i get the job then i can find some where where for cheap i can drive and get the amendments in bulk sort of thing at this point i just really need some weed
so if i use it can i still use worm tea and graet white idk maybe i can do a side buy side when i get the soil mix together 100 percent organic vs witchever stuff i get
so if i use it can i still use worm tea and graet white idk maybe i can do a side buy side when i get the soil mix together 100 percent organic vs witchever stuff i get
You could do a side by side with synth and organics. Just don't forget what's what. Synth is almost instant nutrients. Where as organics feeds from what's in the soil.

You've also got to watch the salt build up in synth. I'd recommend adding some silica to the fray. It's supposed to help harden up the plants- literally.
if im planning on growi g autos what one do u vuys rekon id be better off getting the all perpose the tomato and vegie or the fruit flower and citrus im thinking about getting the all perpose one it says thats organiclly enritched but im guessing tere talking about microbes and its my understanding that it would be pointless cuse the mycrobes would die cuse of the salts unless theve some how bred mycrobes that wouldent