Well-Known Member
Hi all, I will be starting a grow testing out this nutrient and giving feedback. Anyone using it yet ? Thoughts ? I've been a Maxi user for some time and like what I've read so far.
First impressions so far are great. SC dilutes fully in room temp water vs having to mix Maxi in hot tap water. Also the PH is spot on at 5.8 so no ph up and down. The one hiccup is the feed chart on the site calls for 2 grams per gallon for young plants. Doing this I'm getting 750 PPMs - 70 PPM tap water, Chart says 181.9998 so that's confusing. If this can do what Maxi can do with sups and adds I will be putting in a bigger order.
Good news that it dilutes easily. Not sure what the number from the chart represents.
Mine should be in the mailbox today.
Have a look, some brands sell their micros in both a hard and soft water version.I just ordered some on their website for only shipping with their promotion.
Looks like amino acid chealated nutrients are supposed to be very effective.
I have been having calcium deficiencies lately from my softening well water. Maybe the 6% chealated calcium will help.
Have a look, some brands sell their micros in both a hard and soft water version.
I would love to experiment more with salt based fertilizers. Shipping liquid-based ferts here in the amounts required for even a modest 1 pound yield is nuts expensive. Some brands are concentrated and then you get things like Botanicare that uses a shitload of product, most of it being water.
I use a stir bar and stir plate to mix, Maxi even with hot water always had some white particles left. Mega looks like instant coffee lol
I can get bottled nutes shipped cheap in gallons and I have only been using pure Blend Pro Grow.
But the longer I do this and the faster and better my plants grow I am seeing a need for specific nutrients more and more.
I have added agricultural lime to my soil mix at at about half the recomended amount to account for the .2 ec left in my well water.
That should take care of the calcium deficiency.
Even though Maxibloom had mag cal my tap water is only 50 PPM so I had to always add/buy mag cal. So far using Mega its the first time I didn't have to adjust the PH when mixing up the reservoir.
Over the last few years I've accumulated and tried a lot of nutrient's. My Natural top faves are Primordial solutions "have there whole line" and Earth juice. For simplicity Maxibloom up to 7 grams a gallon have been killing it "with adds" for the past few years.
I'm a small grower now days and most liquid nutes will go bad on me. I only grow one or two plants a year in a 2x2
I must of had a bad batch of promix hp...mine was at 5.4-5.5 last run...i added some extra lime this run...I never adjust ph with soft to medium water regardless of nute mix in buffered potting mix.
Runoff stays consistent at about 6.5 to 7 regardless of what I put in.
The extra limed pots stay closer to 7. Out of the bag ocean forest always 6.3-6.5 and promix Hp was always about 6.0-6.2 for me for ph.
I am more concerned with salt buildup with big plants in little pots. My last og Kush x Trainwreck gave 7 oz of big dense nugs in a 3 gallon (really 2.5) pot.
I don't know what I have done to increase results. Same nutes and pots and soil and everything.
And like you say. I never needed more calcium when my well water showed 150 ppm. At 100 fast growing plants are calcium deficient. Slower ones it sneaks up.
But not mag and only iron after some time so I really just need calcium.
For now. Lol.