I need a lawyer

So talked to the AB Human Rights Commision. They said to go talk to my employer and have them call the Commission so they can Splain them how wrong they are and how things will play out if the refuse to heed my exemption. And if they refuse and dig in then to return to file a complaint, which will be dealt with promptly.

It seems like they are quite eager to set an example in this province.
Short story. (I have my acmpr exemption. Not the actual pink. I haven't got that yet but I do have copies of the signed doctor forms which I submitted to HC two months ago.)

I had an incident at work. So I had to take the piss. I tested positive. So now I either go through a substance abuse program and test clean and subject myself to random testing for the next 24 months or I fight it. My workplace doesn't give a s*** about the exemption.

So i need a lawyer.

Any suggestions?

Also, is anybody else fighting this fight yet? Because I don't believe a present has been set.

They also don't give a shit about you or the truth. They just wanna cover their asses. Unionized? Federally covered, or provincial labor code? Soon will be a human rights beef, but not till they change the basic law, unless a prescription is involved, then hope. Maybe someone is organizing and can help with a court challenge, case will be heard after legalization, but might give the greedy bastards pause.

Your heath Canada paperwork is your greatest weapon here, use it. Labor Canada has ruled on this before, go to the website and search for precedent, I think I saw something you would like there. Health issues on this one should be covered federally, since the program is federal, go have a look there too

Tell'm yer going to the CBC and public big time if they try to ax ya, make it very painful indeed, contact me for helpful suggestions in this regard. Maybe a boycott of such employers by customers might get their attention, perhaps I could send them an email. "It has come to the attention of the national organization...." A website with a target list might be useful too, this is a big issue with lots of folks fucked over.

Hope it helps. Legalization will help the most with this bullshit.
Good luck and let me know how it turns out
Drug testing for cannabis is complete bullshit.
They also don't give a shit about you or the truth. They just wanna cover their asses. Unionized? Federally covered, or provincial labor code? Soon will be a human rights beef, but not till they change the basic law, unless a prescription is involved, then hope. Maybe someone is organizing and can help with a court challenge, case will be heard after legalization, but might give the greedy bastards pause.

Your heath Canada paperwork is your greatest weapon here, use it. Labor Canada has ruled on this before, go to the website and search for precedent, I think I saw something you would like there. Health issues on this one should be covered federally, since the program is federal, go have a look there too

Tell'm yer going to the CBC and public big time if they try to ax ya, make it very painful indeed, contact me for helpful suggestions in this regard. Maybe a boycott of such employers by customers might get their attention, perhaps I could send them an email. "It has come to the attention of the national organization...." A website with a target list might be useful too, this is a big issue with lots of folks fucked over.

Hope it helps. Legalization will help the most with this bullshit.
Good luck and let me know how it turns out
Drug testing for cannabis is complete bullshit.

Don't wait for grow stuff, just get a provider asap, get the card.
Tell Them your waiting for the renewal, old card expired and they are late. tossed old card as it was useless, or so I thought until now, wait on it till it arrives in the mail, or ya wanna grow with the new one and they are late with it, get the idea. might get ya outta the jam.

They can't check much, cause it's private health info

If they think ya can sue them over it, you might be ok. If ya had a card ya could, or sic the feds on em
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Right on bro, I'm on my way. Is there free money for everyone?
Lets just say you will most likely feel like you are overpaid once you start working!!!! Im not even joking. Its like 30 bucks an hour starting most construction labor positions. Once you learn the said trade your over 40 bucks an hour. 10 hour days, 400 bucks a day, 2 racks a week, 4 times a month dude. Everyone is making 8 grand a month here. being a stupid!!!!! Shit you not this is the greatest place on earth!!!
Imagine buying every single UFC PPV, NFL sunday ticket, Taco trucks and chinesse food my man!!!!!!
Wait till the pot shops start hiring, motherfuckers will be working 2 jobs retiring at 45 or 50!!!!!!!!
Lets just say you will most likely feel like you are overpaid once you start working!!!! Im not even joking. Its like 30 bucks an hour starting most construction labor positions. Once you learn the said trade your over 40 bucks an hour. 10 hour days, 400 bucks a day, 2 racks a week, 4 times a month dude. Everyone is making 8 grand a month here. being a stupid!!!!! Shit you not this is the greatest place on earth!!!
Imagine buying every single UFC PPV, NFL sunday ticket, Taco trucks and chinesse food my man!!!!!!
Wait till the pot shops start hiring, motherfuckers will be working 2 jobs retiring at 45 or 50!!!!!!!!
That sounds good. A strong middle class is comprised of a strong blue collar workforce. That really makes me happy because I was sad for humanity there for a minute but now you make me realize that there is expansion and maybe the American dream is true! Dumb politicians here are like Cancer eating us my man. Eating us alive.
California is a sanctuary state now!!!!! Your welcome here any time!!!!! Big things going on here. Pretty sure we are going to become our own country soon and everyone is welcome!!!!!!

Our BC has often talked about leaving Canada to become its country.

So maybe it should get together with Wash St., Oregon and CA and become one country? You leftcoasters are an entirely different breed anyway. LOL
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Lets just say you will most likely feel like you are overpaid once you start working!!!! Im not even joking. Its like 30 bucks an hour starting most construction labor positions. Once you learn the said trade your over 40 bucks an hour. 10 hour days, 400 bucks a day, 2 racks a week, 4 times a month dude. Everyone is making 8 grand a month here. being a stupid!!!!! Shit you not this is the greatest place on earth!!!
Imagine buying every single UFC PPV, NFL sunday ticket, Taco trucks and chinesse food my man!!!!!!
Wait till the pot shops start hiring, motherfuckers will be working 2 jobs retiring at 45 or 50!!!!!!!!

Whats the cost of living like with all of these high paid jobs?

Genuin question.. I work in an area of Canada where I get compensated extremely well but the cost of living is high and quality of life (subjective) is low imo.

I suspect that the quality of life in Cali is right up there with the high salaries!
Whats the cost of living like with all of these high paid jobs?
1500.00-2000.00 bucks gets one a sweet spread here on rentals. Home owners paying around 1800.00-3000.00 for mortgage with very little down.
I know you think I'm just bull shitting around, but if one loves and/or needs to work to support himself/family California has you covered.
As fas as quality of life, Its unreal man. Happiness is all over the place!!!
No, no, no. You have it all wrong according to the gop. A strong upper class is made from a weak and dying middle class, forced to work long hours below what used to be min wage, with no health care or education. That is what makes the ultra rich mega rich.

Get with the program you union money grubbing scum. ;)
Nah I don't think that you BSing at all. I relocated to chase money so I know what that's about. Where I am the cost of living is a it higher than what you said but QoL is low so that is a huge trade off for me at least and one that I no longer want to make for my family.

Thanks for the response!
1500.00-2000.00 bucks gets one a sweet spread here on rentals. Home owners paying around 1800.00-3000.00 for mortgage with very little down.
I know you think I'm just bull shitting around, but if one loves and/or needs to work to support himself/family California has you covered.
As fas as quality of life, Its unreal man. Happiness is all over the place!!!
Financially, this is no different than Alberta.
But for the weather and scenery, it sure sounds nice.
There is a shortage of skilled workers and a shortage of people who want to become skilled workers.
There is a shortage of teachers and a shortage of people who want to become teachers.
Here in Northern California there is talk with some companies doing away with pre employment drug testing. All one has to do is google it, everyone knows what I'm saying is true!!! Its fucking Disneyland out here and its fucking great!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad things are going so good in Cali. Not the same story in NW Florida. We have rednecks, rattlers, racists, Rattlers {the kind who wear orange and green} gators, skeeters and Gators {the ones who wear orange and blue}. Wages are low and rent is high, when you can even find a trailer to rent. They still put you in cages for smoking flowers, much less growing them. So in summery, you do not want to move to NW Florida. It's bad down here. Very bad. Do not come.