Aussie Growers Thread

so im tryna figure out if i can put these photos outside is it the same outside like doasent it need 2 be over 12 hours darkness for the plants to trigger flowering my lights have been on 18 6 and 24 0 if i was to put it out side would it flower and note revege i mean every one else seems to be putting plants out side lol
fuck this is killing my life if i wasent so paranoid about red backs n shit id be out there looking at if i have some pots or not i may be going 2 woolies if i need more lol
this great white i got i bought 3 months ago and it says on the bottle that it goas off next year idk i think il defanetly use what u and nugs are using might use the graet wite on the outside vege patch im sure ittl be okay for vegies
You can only buy it by the kilo
im gunna try and get that soil in the tumbler useable tomorro havent tumbled it in a few days it smells pretty ritch smell and im sure if those mites where bad my loungeroom lizard would be fucked about now hopefully the neem cake gets here soon the grass seems to have broken down for the most part i think i should let it dry completly then hit it with a tea but in all honesty fuck it im gunna get a jiffy pop a seed in it then put a free auto i got from flash seeds in it plant being in a sperete place out side i wanna see if i can use that soil cuse im fucken broke all tho i think when i put the soil together i skipped out on the castings and used 25 l of airation instead i got a whole tray thats full of castings in the vermi hut maybe ill ad that and then the neem or the neem first let it break down then ad the castings im prob gunna be better of just adding it tb honest if there is alot things innit that havent broken down yet itl be acidic or somthing but im not really wurried about it tbh im gonna ger a freebie i got from gyo inn it if the mites dont kill it ill no there not bad lol
so im tryna figure out if i can put these photos outside is it the same outside like doasent it need 2 be over 12 hours darkness for the plants to trigger flowering my lights have been on 18 6 and 24 0 if i was to put it out side would it flower and note revege i mean every one else seems to be putting plants out side lol
12/12 doesn't apply outside.
Its a little strain dependant but I think most work on 13.5/10.5 as the rough turning point for flowering

But yes your should stat flowering and then reveg, I'm not sure of your sunlight hrs were you are but its easy to look up at weatherzone and other placers
just went out 2 check the compost tumbler the little soil mite things whatever thay where are now gone the tumblers dried out on the otherside i think if i do use that soil ill use it for plants that will be no where near my other plants im probly gunna have 2 hold of on the germination i dont have as mutch soil as i thout i did might just pop one and see my other plants seem to be doing good the loungeroom lizard semms to have no signs of mites and the soil in its pot has seemed 2 finnaly of dried out ever since iv had the humidity under controll fuck im hoping the neem in the compost tumbler works im fuken itchy as fuck and im sure its somthing to the with the tumbler fuck i hope the neem works i think on a few weeks once thats brokan down ill fill up a potato growing pot and see if i can grow some taters in it im sure ill grow weed with it eather way i dont think ittl be entering the grow room anytime soon tho
12/12 doesn't apply outside.
Its a little strain dependant but I think most work on 13.5/10.5 as the rough turning point for flowering

But yes your should stat flowering and then reveg, I'm not sure of your sunlight hrs were you are but its easy to look up at weatherzone and other placers
cool cheers
i think in the future ill just be getting cheap bags of soil from bunnings fuck monssnto or synthetic slow realese chems tho im thinking some say couple bags of dirt than a bag of mushroom compost bag of home made castings and drainage and maybe some seamungus if it needs it or whatever i have on hand nothing expensive tho if i cant get it in bunnings then i dont really need it lol i think thats what ill be doing next maybe might ad some sort of liming agent if needed but idk ay id probably be afuck loed better off just doing that maybe some neem for pests tho im thinking tho i dont want tk have big batches of soil sitting around in the tumblr would be better of storing it in totes ir somthing airtight all in all i think iv come full circle im gunna be stiking with bunnings lol at this point i just want piece of mind that the plants are healthy and the right size and what not this grow is shaping up to be good so far but i never realized how mutch i was stressing over this tbh id like to just grow a big plant and been done for the year but i doubt that will be enough for me lol plus i wanna try different things till i find my strain
Is that the exo dick cheese cut ?
I do get keen as fuck about the exo cheese It’s a well known legend search Luton cheese google it’s story is very interesting.
Whats with the gang up on jimmy shit oz loco I didn’t Evan speak to you other night. Let’s have it straight we’re all on here anonymous and you wanna start some keyboard wars I came back to this thread to apologise for being slightly outspoken to a couple your mates when I was drunk other night I wasn’t Evan that bad but I still came and apologised for upsetting the regulars because that wasn’t my intention.
I don’t know how to use this internet stuff anyway and I shouldn’t be on Australian thread, you won’t hear another peep out of me after this if that’s what you want that’s kl but do yourself a favour go do a couple of years of boxing MMA or judo or whatever tickles your fancy it will help you stop acting like a little pussy boy starting keyboard wars with people thousands of miles away, it ain’t big for a little pussycat to do what your trying to do it’s just your little pussy claws getting carried away ,go and train for a couple of years I guarantee you won’t be found on here anymore giving it to people trying to get more likes for your imaginary online record.I can’t believe how lost some of you are getting all happy about telling off some guy on the internet I feel sorry for your kids, what role model have they got some half man keyboard warrior as a there dad! who’s going to teach them How to deal with all the little pussy cats in real life you can’t type your way out of that shit it’s human nature and it’s the same worldwide
You are a bully in real life where you can get away with it and you ain’t loco at all,I can see that straight away how your jumping in your the type to kick a guy in the head after your mate knocks them out and then try get happy about it, i know your type. I won’t reply to any of the messages you try send me I’m going to the uk threads where I belong like your mates suggested just try do some boxing you will not regret it good luck pussy cat x