Aussie Growers Thread

Positive thinking ...
But in the long run I supply myself for rec and keeping my brain in a gd place (med ?) And will keep doing do regardless of law changes.
Every cunt will think it's ok to jump everyone's fences to take what is not theirs cos it's legal.
At this stage is rather keep doing wat im doing than have that extra pressure.
I'm all for medical right now tp help those that need it including yourself gigs
ye true im sure in a few years ill be the same when i can grow it i just dont wanna get raided and put my mum thrue it but im done getting dragged 2 docters that dont understand teven tho iv had problems since around five thay allways think im just addicted 2 weed at this point i can say im defenetly not adicted 2 weed but ye i do think its gunna be like tah were all just gunna have 2 grow our own
Yeah I think we are a long way off recreational weed. I think there's only 3 American states with rec weed but once that number changes so will the "culture" around weed and I truly don't believe the saying "they won't make it legal because there's no money in it". I believe the majority are against it and the parties who are saposed to implement changes are scared of chasing away voters and in Australia the strongest voting group is the elderly or over 40s and that's the generation bought up on anti weed propaganda. I watched a few of the old school anti weed adds and that shit made me laugh. I couldn't understand how they used to actualy believe some of the shit
No different to nth korea bringing up their ppl to believe western country's are evil
I'm hoping the next place I get has at least a tall bush or fence in one place I can hide another kind of bush. Preferably sunny. And preferably big enough to build a garden bed in. Maybe and indoor starter outdoor finisher.
fucken outh could u imagine veging a plant till it cant fit in the tent any more and then at the begining of the season XD
Positive thinking ...
But in the long run I supply myself for rec and keeping my brain in a gd place (med ?) And will keep doing do regardless of law changes.
Every cunt will think it's ok to jump everyone's fences to take what is not theirs cos it's legal.
At this stage is rather keep doing wat im doing than have that extra pressure.
I'm all for medical right now tp help those that need it including yourself gigs
I’d be doing what I do legal or not,illegal and immoral are 2 different things. There’s people out there supplying quality product for medical patients @gigle wigle if you are really interested send me a DM and I’ll put you in contact with them don’t trust any of these government run “studies”
I'm hoping the next place I get has at least a tall bush or fence in one place I can hide another kind of bush. Preferably sunny. And preferably big enough to build a garden bed in. Maybe and indoor starter outdoor finisher.
i chopped down a tree in my backyard with an axe to set up my outdoor camouflage grow spot. I got a house inspection next week and im hoping nobody notices the missing tree but dont know how ill go there since it was about 4 and half metres tall :D
i chopped down a tree in my backyard with an axe to set up my outdoor camouflage grow spot. I got a house inspection next week and im hoping nobody notices the missing tree but dont know how ill go there since it was about 4 and half metres tall :D
Tell em ur missus had to go to hospital after a allergic reaction to the trees pollen lol
or look the cunt straight in the eye and say mate i dont know i came hom after a weekend on it and it was gone and if he still has the shits or whatever just tell him 2 plant another one and fuck off lol
i gotta admit im more into heavy metal nd other stuff not really into the heavy heavy stuff like that but i can aprexiate it lotta talent to play that genre i like the lyrics also
i chopped down a tree in my backyard with an axe to set up my outdoor camouflage grow spot. I got a house inspection next week and im hoping nobody notices the missing tree but dont know how ill go there since it was about 4 and half metres tall :D
or look the cunt straight in the eye and say mate i dont know i came hom after a weekend on it and it was gone and if he still has the shits or whatever just tell him 2 plant another one and fuck off lol
Deny all knowledge of of this mystery tree