Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Well it's funny cos when I asked this question re: pests the other day I was just hoping someone knew ratios and had also used it. But since then I looked online again and lo and behold the first sight gave ratios! I scoured the net for specific ratios ages ago n nothing!
So have been testing it out on the cordylines. Bit soon to tell the impact it's having on the pests but isn't affecting plants (their probably hardier plants too tho). But I'm definitely going to try the chilli one this week because I hate the smell of that neem oil no matter how good the shit is. I reckon it would stick in the buds if sprayed and give them a funky stench that I'd have to refuse to smoke haha. Can't be having that;)

~ OH n here's the link for insecticidal soap
cheers legend lol i dont think there would be weed stinky enougn for me 2 refuse a toke lol


Well-Known Member
Well it's funny cos when I asked this question re: pests the other day I was just hoping someone knew ratios and had also used it. But since then I looked online again and lo and behold the first sight gave ratios! I scoured the net for specific ratios ages ago n nothing!
So have been testing it out on the cordylines. Bit soon to tell the impact it's having on the pests but isn't affecting plants (their probably hardier plants too tho). But I'm definitely going to try the chilli one this week because I hate the smell of that neem oil no matter how good the shit is. I reckon it would stick in the buds if sprayed and give them a funky stench that I'd have to refuse to smoke haha. Can't be having that;)

~ OH n here's the link for insecticidal soap
Yeah never ever ever spray neem after week 1 or 2 at the very latest in flower,but if you compare chilli spray to neem it’s not even a contest,neem is by far the best organic insecticide I’ve ever come across. Spinosad and B.T ( bacillus thurigensis) is what I use for caterpillars when the plants are in flower


Well-Known Member
ill take a pic when i can it doas have a bit of a damp smell i also probably just killed my lounge room lizard transplanting it into the potato bag broke of like 90 percent of the root ball shit owell fuck it i think ill transplant the pink gravy into it and maybie trie and take a clone or two my tablet is on 3 percent im thinking maybe i should discard the moldy shit and start with some fresh bedding and stuff


Well-Known Member
ill take a pic when i can it doas have a bit of a damp smell i also probably just killed my lounge room lizard transplanting it into the potato bag broke of like 90 percent of the root ball shit owell fuck it i think ill transplant the pink gravy into it and maybie trie and take a clone or two my tablet is on 3 percent im thinking maybe i should discard the moldy shit and start with some fresh bedding and stuff
How did you manage to do that?


Well-Known Member
How did you manage to do that?
well i didend dig tje whole deep enough so o went to take it out and dig it deeper being half asleep forgot i should of used the pot it was in curently sort of thing im considering trina take clones or somthing lesson lernd tho idk im not rally worriying about it as long as my my ping gravy is fine i might transplant that into it instead im 100 percent sure at this pint its as good as dead


Well-Known Member
well i didend dig tje whole deep enough so o went to take it out and dig it deeper being half asleep forgot i should of used the pot it was in curently sort of thing im considering trina take clones or somthing lesson lernd tho idk im not rally worriying about it as long as my my ping gravy is fine i might transplant that into it instead im 100 percent sure at this pint its as good as dead
:( You need to treat your plants with some respect bro


Well-Known Member
i fucken love staffies id love 2 have a few dogs one day never gunna get a small dog like a maltease id get a cattle dog and a staffie and maybie a golden retreaver or a boxer
I don't ever buy dogs that don't have a purpose. Lap dogs like Maltese or Pomeranian's are nothing but little yaping dumb heaps of shit. Dogs need a purpose that's the way they fit into a pack in the wild and dogs bred for an actual working purpose are smart. Cattle dogs will kill themselves protecting family and are very smart but they need to be worked or trained and run or they can get silly and snapy