Aussie Growers Thread

I'll get some cal mag and give them a hit, they probably need it

Nah I'm not one to overwater I like to make to roots go searching, it doesn't seem to be affecting its growth but I would like to find out what's causing it
Cal mag,a hydro shops best seller lol whatever is wrong with a plant they'll sell u cal mag lol I've used half a bottle in the last 5 years
I've never seen leaves curl up so much, I don't think it's heat stress, maybe the roots hit a hot spot in the soil as it seems to be just the new shoot affected
Giggles just smashing one down for ya now cracked a longneck
Been a hot day but when I'm not at work all I can think of is how much the plants like it
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yo i never got to smoke with my pyptek butt thay chucked in a death star grinder and a free acrillic bong cheering soon as the next harvest comes im gunna film my sekf pulling the biggest cone ay lol ur a legend ruby
fuck i contemplating walking down ad getting a case of beer lol even thomov just about finished a bottle of rum i fucken love u cunts