Kiss your privacy goodbye

I saw that article. It's a pretty ingenious way to process people. If you've come back into the US, you get your retina scanned and facial recognition performed at the kiosks. It's already happening, and has been for years.

What people need to realize is we have remarkably few "privacy" protections written in law. Things like HIPPA are rare. Most of these laws haven't kept up with technology and this congress is in no mood to update them, so many protections are slowly slipping away.

What people tend to mistake for privacy is anonymity. You can go to a strip club and if nobody knows its you, and no record is kept, you have achieved anonymity and nobody will find out. But with that little bugger in your pocket, google will probably be asking for a review of the pink pussycat before you leave. ;)

Anonymity is what we are losing. We never had privacy. We had the ability to go about our lives with no record being kept and no name associated to our actions.

I am SO grateful that I grew up before the age of social media. All the stupid, moronic stuff I did growing up is lost to all but memories of a few people. And even more is lost to just my memories. Today, some frenemy would have pics going around before I woke up.
If governments ever try to replace paper money with crypto currency you might want to build a bunker if you want privacy.
This is why I lol at people who use Bitcoin for privacy reasons...

By it's nature, it's all recorded on a massive public ledger called the blockchain.
Of course.

Who wouldn't want to live in a world free of race hating people like you?

Except you, you don't count, race haters don't count.

I've always been more of an F1 spectator than anything, it takes more talent and control for that sort of racing, even with all of the computer enhancements over the years.

RIP Ayrton Sena

He has the be the best driver to date, even after death.

I'm more into NPR News than any other broadcast.