Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Just trying to get an answer on this. The sources online range from 25-60 watts of LED per sq ft for flowering optimally. I don't have a par meter and I am just looking for a general goal. I know that LED should be measured in Par umols. I know LED's aren't that far off though that nobody can give a decent range. Somebody out there knows a good wattage to aim for. I just want a good up to date answer from someone with experience. If it matters much I am not using any COB's. Is 25-60 watts per sq. ft.the best answer I can get? Is this question unanswerable? If it is, what is the question I should be asking to get the answer I am looking for? How much light? Seems like a very important question that shouldn't be too hard to answer for anyone with experience. Even a link to a reputable source that isn't a light dealer would be helpful. But I really would like some first hand experience, I know it is out there. How much LED light is optimum through flowering?