Aussie Growers Thread

I don't mean to sound like a old grouch but with a license you can get that carpet cleaning job or at least opens doors for other job opportunities.
The boys and girls here post pics of their grow and seeds and new fancy "stuff" but they all come from an income. Without that we would be fkd.
Priorities man.

yes I know I sound like an old fat, and I'm sorry for that, just would like you to do well is all.
Or they grow it and make there own I haven’t bought a gram of pot in 20years
lukes right here. you'll be able to look for jobs in a wider area. another thing to consider is chicks dont dig guys without a license. If youre into dudes thats OK but I dont think they'd dig dudes without a license either. So basically you'll up your chances of getting that job and you might even score a bit of tasty tang while youre at it. Win-win.

Just looking at things from all angles for ya
Street hookers are heaps cheaper than the ones at brothels aswell it’s alot better picking them up in a car than a push bike lol
all i know is buy this time next year im gunna gunna be smoking in some bud when i get some dried and cured im gunna have to put a jar away for a rainy day