It starts out with a strawman, then knocks it down. Most hilariously, you got the strawman in the article wrong and created your own.
What the article said was: The Phillips Curve says that there is an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation. Low unemployment is correlated with a rise in inflation. It’s an article of faith to economists of all stripes. It’s listed in the popular introductory economics textbook by N. Gregory Mankiw as one of the Ten Things All Economists agree on. It’s especially loved by the Fed, which raises or lowers interest rates depending in part on its predictions. Its critics point out that its predictions are poor.
Unemployment, not rising wages, dittohead.
But back to the strawman in the article -- that "economists" all believe that low unemployment correlates to inflation as a matter of universal faith. All "economists" don't think low unemployment causes inflation to rise. As if "economists" were some monolithic group-think tank. Inflation can rise because of a high demand for a limited supply of goods, materials or services. We could have 90% unemployment and have high inflation so long as the demand and limited supply were there. We could have high inflation if other countries devalue the dollar. We had high inflation in the 1980's and high unemployment due to a stagnant economy hence "stagflation". Post-WW1 Germany had extremely high inflation and high unemployment. Economists know this, the good ones do. Fake ones might not, eh, @ttystikk ?
The article sets itself up with a false premise then knocks it down. Did you get his hedge in the opening paragraph? The "depending in part" on the Phillips curve? The author practically says right there that he doesn't believe what he's writing.
Quite clearly, unemployment ought to be included in the model used by the fed to justify decisions so, yeah, "in part" it belongs there. Unemployment is linked to many areas of the economy.
No wonder you call everything you disagree with a strawman. You don't recognize a real strawman argument when you see it. You must not know what the term means. Also, you can't read something without getting it wrong.
Sanders supporters are such an embarrassment.
why do you hate bernie sanders so much?