Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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It starts out with a strawman, then knocks it down. Most hilariously, you got the strawman in the article wrong and created your own.

What the article said was: The Phillips Curve says that there is an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation. Low unemployment is correlated with a rise in inflation. It’s an article of faith to economists of all stripes. It’s listed in the popular introductory economics textbook by N. Gregory Mankiw as one of the Ten Things All Economists agree on. It’s especially loved by the Fed, which raises or lowers interest rates depending in part on its predictions. Its critics point out that its predictions are poor.

Unemployment, not rising wages, dittohead.

But back to the strawman in the article -- that "economists" all believe that low unemployment correlates to inflation as a matter of universal faith. All "economists" don't think low unemployment causes inflation to rise. As if "economists" were some monolithic group-think tank. Inflation can rise because of a high demand for a limited supply of goods, materials or services. We could have 90% unemployment and have high inflation so long as the demand and limited supply were there. We could have high inflation if other countries devalue the dollar. We had high inflation in the 1980's and high unemployment due to a stagnant economy hence "stagflation". Post-WW1 Germany had extremely high inflation and high unemployment. Economists know this, the good ones do. Fake ones might not, eh, @ttystikk ?

The article sets itself up with a false premise then knocks it down. Did you get his hedge in the opening paragraph? The "depending in part" on the Phillips curve? The author practically says right there that he doesn't believe what he's writing.

Quite clearly, unemployment ought to be included in the model used by the fed to justify decisions so, yeah, "in part" it belongs there. Unemployment is linked to many areas of the economy.

No wonder you call everything you disagree with a strawman. You don't recognize a real strawman argument when you see it. You must not know what the term means. Also, you can't read something without getting it wrong.

Sanders supporters are such an embarrassment.

why do you hate bernie sanders so much?
The Democratic Party hasn't cared about you for 40 years and yet you call Progressives every name in the book.

Maybe we're not the confused ones?
Bernie is pandering for the moderate conservative vote. He's completely selling out to systemic racism. If you support him you aren't a progressive.
Bernie is pandering for the moderate conservative vote. He's completely selling out to systemic racism. If you support him you aren't a progressive.
So as an establishment Democrat, what does that make you? A Reagan Republican?

I'm supporting him based on his positions on the issues. It's as president as America gets right now. I'm a fan of Elizabeth Warren for the same reasons. Perfect? No. But better than the alternatives.
So as an establishment Democrat, what does that make you? A Reagan Republican?

I'm supporting him based on his positions on the issues. It's as president as America gets right now. I'm a fan of Elizabeth Warren for the same reasons. Perfect? No. But better than the alternatives.
I support equality for all and would not suppress free speech regarding racism. I don't think people are tired of politically correct rhetoric. Unlike Sanders I can tell you what that means. I don't try to belittle people who stand against racism and racist speech by calling them sjw. I support all of the economic policy positions that Sanders and Democrats stand for as well as furthering efforts to address Black Lives Matter policy issues.

Above all else, I don't say that Trump may be the best thing to happen to America.

You aren't a progressive. You support a mixed bag of conservative and liberal issues. Left leaning centrist you are, not progressive. Same with @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar . Just dirtbag semi liberal and semi conservative grasping whiteys who resist social change.
I support equality for all and would not suppress free speech regarding racism. I don't think people are tired of politically correct rhetoric. Unlike Sanders I can tell you what that means. I don't try to belittle people who stand against racism and racist speech by calling them sjw. I support all of the economic policy positions that Sanders and Democrats stand for as well as furthering efforts to address Black Lives Matter policy issues.

Above all else, I don't say that Trump may be the best thing to happen to America.

You aren't a progressive. You support a mixed bag of conservative and liberal issues. Left leaning centrist you are, not progressive. Same with @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar . Just dirtbag semi liberal and semi conservative grasping whiteys who resist social change.
Ah, so first you wave your social politics cred. Not a word about economic issues though.

Then you take my comment and twist it out of all recognition- AGAIN, you lying propagandist- so I'll repeat it in its original meaning; 'Trump is the best thing to happen to the Progressive Movement in my lifetime'- and I meant that in the vein of getting people angry and upset enough to get over their political apathy and get involved. Only those who don't want average Americans involved would have an out with that, but here you are.

So I don't fit a neat political category and therefore can't be pigeonholed. Sue me!

And close with a meaningless and unrelated personal attack or three. Yep, I can see you've really matured in your political discourse of late.
Ah, so first you wave your social politics cred. Not a word about economic issues though.

Then you take my comment and twist it out of all recognition- AGAIN, you lying propagandist- so I'll repeat it in its original meaning; 'Trump is the best thing to happen to the Progressive Movement in my lifetime'- and I meant that in the vein of getting people angry and upset enough to get over their political apathy and get involved. Only those who don't want average Americans involved would have an out with that, but here you are.

So I don't fit a neat political category and therefore can't be pigeonholed. Sue me!

And close with a meaningless and unrelated personal attack or three. Yep, I can see you've really matured in your political discourse of late.
you are just a liberal who is uncomfortable with social issues. its obvious. You are socially conservative and economically liberal. A dime a dozen among white liberals, especially among Sanders supporters.

That you would say Trump is the best thing to happen to the US is unforgivable.

Otherwise, it's OK. There are too many of your kind to fight. We should look for ways to cooperate. Just don't ask me to agree with your racist remarks.
you are just a liberal who is uncomfortable with social issues. its obvious. You are socially conservative and economically liberal. A dime a dozen among white liberals, especially among Sanders supporters.

That you would say Trump is the best thing to happen to the US is unforgivable.

Otherwise, it's OK. There are too many of your kind to fight. We should look for ways to cooperate. Just don't ask me to agree with your racist remarks.
Inaccurate label after level after label.

Don't you ever have anything to say on the issues?

Once again you work so hard to misrepresent my comments that you just end up looking illiterate.

I'm not racist; but nice try with yet another cheap smear.

But never an original or insightful thought.
you are just a liberal who is uncomfortable with social issues. its obvious. You are socially conservative and economically liberal. A dime a dozen among white liberals, especially among Sanders supporters.

That you would say Trump is the best thing to happen to the US is unforgivable.

Otherwise, it's OK. There are too many of your kind to fight. We should look for ways to cooperate. Just don't ask me to agree with your racist remarks.
I don't get why the bernouts here are such shitstains. Not all Bernouts are like that, but for some reason, the 3 or 4 of them who are so outspoken on this site are just total white windbags who are either very uncomfortable talking about race and want the subject ignored, or have said some of the most racist shit I have seen here.

It's worth it to study because some bernouts are solid people, just those few die-hards here that are really making it so hard for me to support Bernard.
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