So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

Who should be pissing in their pants tonite, because they're going to jail tomorrow ?

  • Paul Manafort

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Donald Trump Jr

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Jared Kushner

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Donald J Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • All of the assholes noted above

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
you guys are looking the wrong way, how about that Russian oil deal, with open military ops for Russians in Syria.
this will allow them to put whoever they want in power. or the ice muching they are doing over the northern sphere, with US navel assets just miles away.

or the withdraw of US naval units from south china sea, being recalled for a complete administration restructure. by the time we redeploy china, china sea will be all sewn up.

but hey lets concentrate on what old white dude is gonna spend 4 weeks in jail and be confined to his home compound for a few more months, and getting paid millions of dollars promised by lobbyist.

even if President trump; is on this list, he could serve the rest of his term burried under legal paper work, and by the time he is out of office none this will matter much.

TBH, even if he is impeached I feel like, he will try and pardon himself or something outside the lines, that most presidents haven't done because of honor/pride but I doubt president trump would have any levity in trying these shameful actions.
i don't believe you can pardon yourself or nixon would've.


Well-Known Member
She's obviously a Russian troll tart.
C'mon man, it's right there looking at u, with her beady little eyes, and that come hither Americanzi, I want to suck your blood look.

you forgot the pushy 'i want that from much?' manner of compliment.


Well-Known Member
It's Paulie boy 1st, along with his comrade Rick Gates that surrendered today in DC.
I can just imagine all the moans coming from all the Trumps right now that the proverbial hammer has started to fall on their fucking ball sacks.
What to you think Manafort is going to do, rat out the rest of those cocksuckers, or fall on his sword?


Well-Known Member
She's obviously a Russian troll tart.
C'mon man, it's right there looking at u, with her beady little eyes, and that come hither Americanzi, I want to suck your blood look.
I have been suspicious of this one too. Her English is not so good and the use of the attractive avi is a bit too obvious. And the peculiar breadth of knowlege she shows is also suspicious.

But why here? What the fuck do we matter? The only thing I can think of is that they get paid on volume. Or maybe we are a training ground for the noobs, I don't know.

This last post session of hers really seems odd. While we are investigating Russia we are losing the geopolitical struggle with China? Really? That makes no sense whatsoever from a non-trollnik.

Sorry honey, this one is going the distance. We are going to find it all - and we are going to be pissed. Angela Lansbury pissed. Be afraid. Nothing is worse than a free society recently woke and full of righteous indignation.