The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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I don't hate you.
But, you must understand progressive thought must be united.
Please answer me this. Did you, or did you not vote for Clinton in 2016?
I need to know.

Jim, you’re one of the few reasonable Hillary supporters on this site, so I will direct this at you even though it’s not primarily for your consumption...

I did not vote for Hillary. Was she the more qualified candidate in this last election? Absolutely. So, I understand why people voted for her, and I am not telling those people that they were wrong. Here’s why I did not vote for her though...

She’s on the take. The biggest problem with politics in this country is the massive influence that corporations and a handful of billionaires have over our politicians. It touches every single issue. I want a president that sends our troops to war because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make defense contractors billions of dollars. I want a criminal justice system that puts someone in jail because they deserve to be there, not because it will make private prison companies a fortune. I want a president that will fight for universal healthcare and not sell out to the insurance industry because they donated millions to a political campaign. I want a president that will push for a living wage, and not bend over for a company like Walmart. Etc etc.

No matter what issue you find most important, there is a corporate interest pushing to bend that issue to their liking.

Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, was as guilty of being in bed with corporate America as any politician in my lifetime. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils any longer, and will not cast a vote for someone that is working for their donors over their constituents. I don’t give a single shit what letter they have beside their name.

You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.
Jim, you’re one of the few reasonable Hillary supporters on this site, so I will direct this at you even though it’s not primarily for your consumption...

I did not vote for Hillary. Was she the more qualified candidate in this last election? Absolutely. So, I understand why people voted for her, and I am not telling those people that they were wrong. Here’s why I did not vote for her though...

She’s on the take. The biggest problem with politics in this country is the massive influence that corporations and a handful of billionaires have over our politicians. It touches every single issue. I want a president that sends our troops to war because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make defense contractors billions of dollars. I want a criminal justice system that puts someone in jail because they deserve to be there, not because it will make private prison companies a fortune. I want a president that will fight for universal healthcare and not sell out to the insurance industry because they donated millions to a political campaign. I want a president that will push for a living wage, and not bend over for a company like Walmart. Etc etc.

No matter what issue you find most important, there is a corporate interest pushing to bend that issue to their liking.

Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, was as guilty of being in bed with corporate America as any politician in my lifetime. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils any longer, and will not cast a vote for someone that is working for their donors over their constituents. I don’t give a single shit what letter they have beside their name.

You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.
In your lifetime. You are what? 35, maybe?

What exactly are you comparing her to?

Cheny? Whose former employer received no bid secret contracts for work we still don't know about or how many billions they were paid.? The only thing we know they were famously profitable during that time and the body count in Iraq.
Or how about Trump? Jesus man, the guy is walking big emoluments crime. Oh, well. You can cling tightly to your misogyny if you want when you compare Clinton's "corruption" in the form of right wing media hysterics with Trump and call her the most corrupt.

You don't have to agree with me that Clinton was a great public servant. You don't have to agree with the fact that Republicans are the reason the supreme court ruled in favor of massive campaign contributions that give wealthy people favored access to the people who write the laws of this land. Thank you for not requiring me to agree with the right wing lies that you cling to as truth.
She’s on the take.

no, that would be the stooge you voted for.


useful idiot.
You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.

Well, if your not going to vote for anyone that receives money from corporations, I guess your never, EVER, are going to vote in the US again.
This Democracy relies on money for politicians to get their points across, now whether for good or for bad, the final decision ends up with an educated voter (hopefully)
That's the problem.
Lack of educated, like simply understanding the importance of their vote, voters in this country full of ignoramuses is ridiculous.
So, simply sitting on your hands is not an option, if you give a fuck about this country.
If your an Independant,, you have to do something beside doing nothing, otherwise, you are useless and should not complain about the state of affairs in this country.
Fucking any developed Democracy on the planet has a better voting record than the US, but we sure as shit have the biggest mouths when shit goes down with our fucked up Congress.
You know what I say, shut the fuck up if you don't vote, because you are part, a big part of the problem.
My diatribe is not directed at you st0wandgrow, I'm just venting (plus I'm pretty drunk) about citizens that have the balls to bitch, and not vote, which a LOT of so called Americans do.
Jim, you’re one of the few reasonable Hillary supporters on this site, so I will direct this at you even though it’s not primarily for your consumption...

I did not vote for Hillary. Was she the more qualified candidate in this last election? Absolutely. So, I understand why people voted for her, and I am not telling those people that they were wrong. Here’s why I did not vote for her though...

She’s on the take. The biggest problem with politics in this country is the massive influence that corporations and a handful of billionaires have over our politicians. It touches every single issue. I want a president that sends our troops to war because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make defense contractors billions of dollars. I want a criminal justice system that puts someone in jail because they deserve to be there, not because it will make private prison companies a fortune. I want a president that will fight for universal healthcare and not sell out to the insurance industry because they donated millions to a political campaign. I want a president that will push for a living wage, and not bend over for a company like Walmart. Etc etc.

No matter what issue you find most important, there is a corporate interest pushing to bend that issue to their liking.

Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, was as guilty of being in bed with corporate America as any politician in my lifetime. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils any longer, and will not cast a vote for someone that is working for their donors over their constituents. I don’t give a single shit what letter they have beside their name.

You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.
Absolutely brilliant! I'll be stealing from this post for the rest of my political life!
Sorry about the profanity, that's a bad habit of mine and it's not personal.
As far as evidence goes of the Democrats standing up for the poor, the oppressed, the racially/sexually disenfranchised, well I guess then I have been suckered for over 50 years, because I sure as shit haven't seen ANYONE of consequence (what Bernie in the last election?) stand up for the rights of the average American besides a Democrat.
I like Sanders, don't get me wrong, just like I liked Che Guevara, but both were/are idealists that never faced reality, both being noble to a fault.
In order to get shit accomplished the Progressive/Liberal/Antifa wings of the DNC have to unite, for a common goal which is basically to bring common sense and humanity back into American political discussion.
And yea, I'm a sucker seeing as I lived in this country for over 50 fucking years and it ends up looking worse than when I started living here, me hoping for some fucking improvement.
I really wish I never left Ireland, at least there I wouldn't have to worry about my healthcare.

for the left to unite, you must face reality..until that happens, it won't.
Sorry about the profanity, that's a bad habit of mine and it's not personal.
As far as evidence goes of the Democrats standing up for the poor, the oppressed, the racially/sexually disenfranchised, well I guess then I have been suckered for over 50 years, because I sure as shit haven't seen ANYONE of consequence (what Bernie in the last election?) stand up for the rights of the average American besides a Democrat.
I like Sanders, don't get me wrong, just like I liked Che Guevara, but both were/are idealists that never faced reality, both being noble to a fault.
In order to get shit accomplished the Progressive/Liberal/Antifa wings of the DNC have to unite, for a common goal which is basically to bring common sense and humanity back into American political discussion.
And yea, I'm a sucker seeing as I lived in this country for over 50 fucking years and it ends up looking worse than when I started living here, me hoping for some fucking improvement.
I really wish I never left Ireland, at least there I wouldn't have to worry about my healthcare.

i didn't know you were from ireland..what town?
Jim, you’re one of the few reasonable Hillary supporters on this site, so I will direct this at you even though it’s not primarily for your consumption...

I did not vote for Hillary. Was she the more qualified candidate in this last election? Absolutely. So, I understand why people voted for her, and I am not telling those people that they were wrong. Here’s why I did not vote for her though...

She’s on the take. The biggest problem with politics in this country is the massive influence that corporations and a handful of billionaires have over our politicians. It touches every single issue. I want a president that sends our troops to war because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make defense contractors billions of dollars. I want a criminal justice system that puts someone in jail because they deserve to be there, not because it will make private prison companies a fortune. I want a president that will fight for universal healthcare and not sell out to the insurance industry because they donated millions to a political campaign. I want a president that will push for a living wage, and not bend over for a company like Walmart. Etc etc.

No matter what issue you find most important, there is a corporate interest pushing to bend that issue to their liking.

Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, was as guilty of being in bed with corporate America as any politician in my lifetime. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils any longer, and will not cast a vote for someone that is working for their donors over their constituents. I don’t give a single shit what letter they have beside their name.

You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.

+rep:clap: here! here!
Which has resulted in the decline of middle/southern states as a result of the exploitation by the "RIGHT" to utilize and take advantage of the uneducated (segregation?), which was INSTALLED by REPUBLICANS to disenfranchise the masses from Democratic control. (remember FDR or Johnson?)
This is SO evident in the last election.
ALL the problems, (like no good paying jobs, or a job at all, the cost of health insurance/medication/your offspring being dumb as fuck/ your wife not giving you head/ your husband not bringing you too orgasim), was the result of the Democrats, or for the last 8 fucking years as the Republicans would claim, was Obama primarily , Clinton secondarily, and the Democratic Party in general.
Is that YOUR fucking point?
Oh, I know, Sanders would change all that shit, right?
Give me a fucking break.
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