Well-Known Member
I don't hate you.
But, you must understand progressive thought must be united.
Please answer me this. Did you, or did you not vote for Clinton in 2016?
I need to know.
Jim, you’re one of the few reasonable Hillary supporters on this site, so I will direct this at you even though it’s not primarily for your consumption...
I did not vote for Hillary. Was she the more qualified candidate in this last election? Absolutely. So, I understand why people voted for her, and I am not telling those people that they were wrong. Here’s why I did not vote for her though...
She’s on the take. The biggest problem with politics in this country is the massive influence that corporations and a handful of billionaires have over our politicians. It touches every single issue. I want a president that sends our troops to war because it’s the right thing to do, not because it will make defense contractors billions of dollars. I want a criminal justice system that puts someone in jail because they deserve to be there, not because it will make private prison companies a fortune. I want a president that will fight for universal healthcare and not sell out to the insurance industry because they donated millions to a political campaign. I want a president that will push for a living wage, and not bend over for a company like Walmart. Etc etc.
No matter what issue you find most important, there is a corporate interest pushing to bend that issue to their liking.
Hillary Clinton, despite her credentials, was as guilty of being in bed with corporate America as any politician in my lifetime. I refuse to settle for the lesser of two evils any longer, and will not cast a vote for someone that is working for their donors over their constituents. I don’t give a single shit what letter they have beside their name.
You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I ask that you at least respect my right to vote for who I want to. This idea that people will be shamed in to voting for a particular party or candidate is fucking childish, and something that I expect to hear from the mouth breathers on the right, not the supposedly tolerant, educated left.