I want to achieve an altered state where I leave my body


New Member
I've been looking into this off and on for the past 5 years. I want to visit another dimension and have a Shamanistic experience. I've looked into it enough to believe that my best chance at this is through smoking DMT. I know ZERO about botanicals, so if someone replies by saying, "buy this and that and boil it 4 times," be prepared for me to ask about 10 more questions. Mainly I have no idea what to buy, how much to buy or where to buy it. My desired result would be to have something I could roll up and smoke like a joint or brew up and drink like tea.
Oh, I see you are a Shrubber, Roger. Jolly good. Have you heard the song Tin Man by America? I'm quite certain it was inspired by reading Carlos Castaneda books. "I'm spinning 'round, smoked glass stain bright colors. Image going down, soap-sud green light bubbles."
Purple salvia does it for a brief moment but DMT is much more memorable.
Though I do appreciate every response, this one means nothing to me. I do not know what purple salvia is, where to buy it, what quantity to buy, how to prepare it. etc. If there's someone out here who has actually prepared and smoked a DMT joint, I'd love to hear how you did it.
No one could ever describe DMT, Whatever you heard or read will pale into ridiculousness when you try it someday.
Even at relatively low doses, it creates the distinct sensation of being split in two, a part of you is in your body, aware of its sensations and existence.
Another part can go anywhere from the outer reaches of heaven or the darkness of hell. You can be transported through time, or suspend time from existence.
No two trips are alike. Each is boundless and infinite in its own way.
why? your body is where your mind belongs.
you want to do something like that, you need real advice, from someone like Don Juan Genaro, not a bunch of drug addled potheads.
you know why there are drooling turnips in institutions staring at walls for the rest of their lives? because their minds got lost......
I've had lots of trips to oblivion. most were scary as hell and can change you for ever .. for what ever reason it takes alot of dmt to get there for me.. salvia does nothing for me other then giving my body a shuttery feeling.. I know you said you know nothing about making it , but if you truely desire that dmt trip your probably going to have to make some.. mimosa tree bark is a good source of dmt. it can even be made from phalaris grass like bratchy statchy (spelled wrong).. look up some tek and make your own.. if you can bake cookies you can make dmt.. unlike cookies you can blow your self up if not careful.