I dont think it was positive.. but i dont think it was the major issue. But at same time as tight as it was any Bernie supporter who didnt throw all of his enthusiasm for Bernie behind Clinton was no true Bernie suporter. I think the damned emails where the biggest thing, as stupid as that was it had ppl worked right up. I follow sit pretty close im not sure i can recall any content from them, made no sense to me that whatever was in them was worse tban this narcasistic sex pereditor. Im bothered deeply at the naivety of the masses. The masses have no critical thinking skills, none.
But speaking for the statistical large majority of supporters of Bernie in the Primary we lined up behind Clinton. I ordered my Clinton sign within a week of the official nomination, and sent what meager donation i could afford. I wanted my name firmly behind her. Im proud to have supported both. Yes there was an group of Bernie supporters that went off the rails for write ins or dear god some went trump, thats fucking stupid. They are no more a true supporter of Bernie than a Clinton supporter in primary switching to trump had Clinton lost the primary...
Im an idealist and pragmatist. Yes i would like a lot less corporate money flowing into politics as a whole and especially our side... But if dems as a whole aren't there yet, by god id rather have a Corey Booker, who iv heard gets lots of corp money for a dem, with my country's fate in his hands than a republicunt of any variety. And i like Booker btw, just using him as example of a dem that takes large amounts of corp sums.. i think a Booker would be all for money out of politics if it was out for both parties, hes being a pragmatist doing what he feels he needs to do to be there fighting the good fight.. So yes i want to see the party move slightly left but there are no purity tests with me, thats not wise. A "corporate democrat" has one hell of a lot more heart and good intentions than anyone of those maga minions.
Idk if that makes sense, may need heavy editing in the morning
I tbin