Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
fuck i wish i coul remember how i did it on trackside i wanna gamble now lol id end up piking 3 horses 2 place i think id put it on for a for a few races fuckmit was good wouod never win big but id walk in the pub with 100 walk out 20 beers later a feed and a pack of smokes and still have 100 lol


Well-Known Member
Its got about a third cheap potting mix and
Mushroom compost
Blood and blone
Rooster booster
And i added some epsom salts but maybe not enough?
The Rooster booster needs some time to compost. See how you’ve got a lot of acidic things in that mix and only the bone part of the blood and bone as a liming agent. Epsom salts are Magnesium Sulphate you shouldn’t really need to add magnesium to soil you want around 6/1 calcium to magnesium ratio in soil to much mag will tighten the structure up.


Well-Known Member
This is another one.
I’d definitely say calcium is either locked out and not available or is just not here at all. The cheap potting mixes usually have a large amount of bark chips that haven’t broken down,some cheap ones are fine but just need a bit of composting
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Well-Known Member
I’d defiantly say calcium is either locked out and not available or is just not here at all. The cheap potting mixes usually have a large amount of bark chips that haven’t broken down,some cheap ones are fine but just need a bit of composting
Okay so maybe the darkening of the leaves was from the added nitrogen then the brown parts are from calcium deficiency


Well-Known Member
Okay so maybe the darkening of the leaves was from the added nitrogen then the brown parts are from calcium deficiency
I like them a little darker green if anything but I wouldn’t worry about that,yeah the necrosis is from the lack of calcium. That’s just from my experience and the lack of it in your soil mix,I go heavy on the gypsum and oyster shell flour as my calcium inputs as they don’t fuck with ph like lime does


Well-Known Member
This is the colour I like when the are growing hard,just depends on your N source aswell I have a bit in the soil mix not a huge amount but I foliar with fish and seaweed which adds N and I can have a bit more control of the amount I’m giving it