Flushing.. yes no ?

Why waste nutrients if the plant has plenty stored up to use for the last week or two? I mean, it's not much, but for people who don't like to waste...
Same thing can be said about humans . Why eat daily if we can survive a week or two without food? Why stay hydrated if we can go a few days without water? Don't be stupid dude, use common sense. People don't seem to have much of that anymore..
Same thing can be said about humans . Why eat daily if we can survive a week or two without food? Why stay hydrated if we can go a few days without water? Don't be stupid dude, use common sense. People don't seem to have much of that anymore..
Are you saying that overweight people wouldn't benefit from eating less and using what the body has stored? Not being a smart ass, just a point of view.
More Douchebaggery

OK, just for you, I'll let you in on where flushing comes from since you're obviously just like all the other morons that read something you didn't understand and yet swear by it because you were stupid enough to do it:

Flushing comes from hydroponics. It's a hydroponics term.

A couple of decades ago when the internet was first getting on its feet and hydroponics were really starting to take off, you had people that (like you) had no fucking clue what they were doing. They ran into all sorts of issues, chief among them being the algae bloom.

Now, algae blooms in a hydroponic system create one hell of a mess unless they're caught early. It can, quite literally, clog up the entire works.

So people would show a picture of brown algae caked all over every fucking thing in their hydroponic system and beg for help.

"Flush it. Flush it all" was the response. You had to flush all that brown algae out with fresh purified water and get rid of it all. Pull the plant blocks and flush them as well, flush the roots out, get all that shit off them and out of your tubing and water reservoir.

THAT is flushing.

But over the years, patent village idiots such as yourself took it to mean "flushing the plant out" for "better flavor" and other such fucking complete bullshit.

It's laughable how stupid you are. You see, people that have been around the block and know this shit see people like you and laugh our asses off.

The truth of the matter is: I can give you a bowl of my White Widow and ask, "now then...is this "flushed" to your satisfaction"?

You're not going to have the first fucking clue. You'll guess that it is because it's good shit and you like it. It isn't. It never was. Then you'll make some bullshit excuse that you thought you tasted something off, but didn't want to offend.

You're a moron. Full stop.
Same thing can be said about humans . Why eat daily if we can survive a week or two without food? Why stay hydrated if we can go a few days without water? Don't be stupid dude, use common sense. People don't seem to have much of that anymore..
I also want to mention that people and plants are different. That might make a difference.
Are you saying that overweight people wouldn't benefit from eating less and using what the body has stored? Not being a smart ass, just a point of view.
No, of course I don't think overweight people would benefit from starving themselves. Eating less, excercise, eating healthy, sure. Eating nothing and letting your body feed off itself? Fuck no, you're making yourself look like an idiot in a feeble attempt to win your argument. When your wrong your wrong, man up and accept it instead of reaching for straws and making yourself look unintelligent.
Man everyone needs to chill. Let the dude flush, why does it affect you?
No shit! If it doesn't make a difference, then who cares which method a grower uses!

Unless it's a significantly detrimental technique of doing something, it's not "stupid" and the people discussing it aren't idiots!
No shit! If it doesn't make a difference, then who cares which method a grower uses!

Unless it's a significantly detrimental technique of doing something, it's not "stupid" and the people discussing it aren't idiots!
so stupid people will quit making stupid threads about it. How many people have to tell you that you're stupid before you get it?