Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
well shit i just flipped my lights 2 12 12 gunna finnish my auto out side the tent im hoping but i may say fuck it and just put it in the tent 1212 vs what it was on might not be sutch a bad thing more light is good yess but not if its making it go thrue the n to quick sort of thing should i count today as day one or or once its had 1212 for arleast a day


Well-Known Member
well shit i just flipped my lights 2 12 12 gunna finnish my auto out side the tent im hoping but i may say fuck it and just put it in the tent 1212 vs what it was on might not be sutch a bad thing more light is good yess but not if its making it go thrue the n to quick sort of thing should i count today as day one or or once its had 1212 for arleast a day
if it goes through the nuets quickly give it more mate. remember that your canna terra isnt loaded with anything so you'll need to feed em what they need when they need it. dont keep them on a lower light schedule to conserve nutrients thats arse-backwards.

Also, I count flowering from when its showing not when you flip but yours already has preflowers doesnt it? may as well call today "day 1" if thats the case


Well-Known Member
if it goes through the nuets quickly give it more mate. remember that your canna terra isnt loaded with anything so you'll need to feed em what they need when they need it. dont keep them on a lower light schedule to conserve nutrients thats arse-backwards.

Also, I count flowering from when its showing not when you flip but yours already has preflowers doesnt it? may as well call today "day 1" if thats the case
lol cheers id be fucked with out this site might just keepit out side when the lights off and put it in when its lights on


Well-Known Member
yeah, reveging is pretty unpredictable and can end up going pretty nuts. look up pics of "monster cropping" and it will give you an idea. all good it just fucks with the normal apical dominance growth that normally dictates the growth pattern of weed
Interesting. I thought because it has an apical point. It would just go to the default shape. Seeing as its already sorta shaped that way.


Well-Known Member
Really. They can choose to deviate from the normal shape?
When they re veg they should shoot multiple shoots from the growing tip,depending which tip goes first those will become the main shoots first. Sometimes it’s not the top shoot that will reshoot the quickest so you won’t get that triangular shape if it’s not the top shoot that becomes the dominant shoot


Well-Known Member
if it goes through the nuets quickly give it more mate. remember that your canna terra isnt loaded with anything so you'll need to feed em what they need when they need it. dont keep them on a lower light schedule to conserve nutrients thats arse-backwards.

Also, I count flowering from when its showing not when you flip but yours already has preflowers doesnt it? may as well call today "day 1" if thats the case
I count days from the day they are flipped,but unless you are going to run a p.k boost it doesn’t really matter whether it’s day 2 or day 22