Yea, no doubt. I kid my buddy's lady when we smoke. I tell her there will be a quiz at the end, and she has to name the strain we smoked. Too damn hard for me to remember, and I've been living with these Shit/Skunk strains for about a year now. That is why I came up with the Poly {many} Shunk {Shit/Skunk} handle. That led to Poly Shunk 1, Poly Shunk 1.5, Shunk AF and Skunk Shunk. I have more crosses I didn't grow, so there will be more when I get around to growing them.
Last year was my first fall/winter/spring grow. I harvested in fall, winter and spring. I ran into re-veg problems with the spring crop, so I don't think I will plant anymore for this year. So even with the Sativa's I should be done by the end of February. Won't have a harvest then until the full season's are ready. I want to get my hands on some really early stuff, or semiautomatics, so I can get another harvest in late summer.
When I was younger, and everyone still had access to 1000's of acres of timber land, I did grow in creek bottoms and such. But not in any open water type swamps. This past year I looked into some swamp growing, but the swamp I had access too didn't have enough light, and like you said, you have to wade each way. I was going to put in a small camp if it had turned out, so I would have an excuse to be back there, but it was just more trouble than it was worth.
I did grow in some marshy land this year. The plan was to wait til late to pop seeds, so the plants would not get big. But I had a few out early, and I ended up putting some of them there because the holes were ready. They got big early and the damn county helo found and chopped them. There were others out in the brush in the same marsh that didn't get found, but I stayed away until harvest time. Non-optimal. I need to re-use those holes for my fall/winter grow. Good spots don't grow on trees. Maybe they won't be looking in the winter anyway.