Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
im gunna mod it a bit i rekon make it look a bit cleaner its got led lights 2 red to one blue i think and i think the actuel watts ar like 54 might do cfl but i had allright veg growth in it before ay


Well-Known Member
Bunch of pussys. Champion ruby all the way. I have a Taylor and it feels like I'm breathing air.... Not sure if that's a good thing tho haha
is it me or with taylers now theres times where u take a hit and its like theres nothing there i loke that slight burn in the back of the throut if im gunna smoke a rollie it ed be ox or ruby lol


Well-Known Member
Bunch of pussys. Champion ruby all the way. I have a Taylor and it feels like I'm breathing air.... Not sure if that's a good thing tho haha
Champion ruby was my brand of roll your own too. If I have to have one these days it's gotta be ruby otherwise I wouldn't even consider it


Well-Known Member
Tried that ruby stuff. That's the rum one right?

If so then that's not too bad for a mix. Still prefer straight green though.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Agreed. But if I'm going to mix it because others can't handle straight green. I at least want to have it with something that doesn't taste completely like arse.

Like white ox.
They can have their own mull bowl, I'm not interested in cigs in pot anymore. But I don't often smoke with anyone other than my wife so its not an issue.


Well-Known Member
They can have their own mull bowl, I'm not interested in cigs in pot anymore. But I don't often smoke with anyone other than my wife so its not an issue.
Last person I smoked with was over a month ago.

I'm the only one of those I know who doesn't smoke cigs. And can't handle an overly brown mix. It literally has me on the floor. Because I can't stand up for a good couple minutes.


Well-Known Member
Going to alternate weekly with eco oil and eco neem this year,the neem is pretty strong gear and can knock the beneficial insects around as much as the pests. Any of you guys used the eco oil before ?