Feminized vs Regular

Buying Clones is dumb imo lol training is difficult, risk of bringing pest indoors, mom has probably been cloned so much causing gentics to weaken, and i think i read some science article stating clones never have the full desired traits and are watered down, and even produce less yield.
I've personally run clones from the same mommas for years with zero plant or quality degradation.
I do love to run fem beans and make mommas for clones if shes something special though. No worries of males for small growers like me who dont pollen chuck, plus the opportunity to run multiple strains with one bean of each, and no risk of bringing in pests to my grow rooms.
I've never encountered a male from a fem bean & I've run a lot of them over the years. I know there is a very small chance (like 1 in 10,000 or something like that) so maybe I'm just lucky?
The pest risk is true, but all that other stuff is horseshit. You two have no idea what you're talking about and should keep your advice to yourselves.

Because these plants do not live for more than a year in natural conditions, perpetually fighting off environmental stresses, diseases and insects weakens the “vigor” of the genetics. The original plant from seed is capable of yielding more than a cloned offspring. You are more likely to get a healthier plant from seed than a clone. Maybe tone down your ignorance and just discuss ideas mate. No need to be a prick.

Back your claims up with some science and not just "well I did this" stuff, or your advice is just as useless lol
Look man. Its like this...your either a hobby personal use/small time/tent grower that likes to germ the hottest new seed pack and roll the dice..pheno hunt and grow for tastes..looks...smells and highs. Or your a production grower that doesnt fuck around and has no time energy nor use for all that hobbyist bowshit. These growers run proven cuts. Whole rooms of them. Ususally one or two strains but you can also run alot as well. But tue idea is RUNNING CUTS for these types of growers. Tell me or show me ANY of the latter grower types that pack rooms full of untested..unproven seed plants. It is YOU who has no clue!!!
Yes I know clones are good but I’ve found seed to be better for me regardless of phenotype variety.
Huh? How can a healthy clone of a seed plant be any different? Its the same frikin plant? Are any of you really serious about growing? Because sometimes i wonder. Fukin forums man. I need to lay off. Iam outta here. Unreal.
Look man. Its like this...your either a hobby personal use/small time/tent grower that likes to germ the hottest new seed pack and roll the dice..pheno hunt and grow for tastes..looks...smells and highs. Or your a production grower that doesnt fuck around and has no time energy nor use for all that hobbyist bowshit. These growers run proven cuts. Whole rooms of them. Ususally one or two strains but you can also run alot as well. But tue idea is RUNNING CUTS for these types of growers. Tell me or show me ANY of the latter grower types that pack rooms full of untested..unproven seed plants. It is YOU who has no clue!!!

And this is why people don't exchange ideas, because of people like you. You target and with no science of ANY kind to back up your claim, you try and tear people down and make them feel stupid. Well lucky for me, owning a compost company(successful one mind you) can't make me feel stupid lol I posted here to have some info from some cool people and instead your ridiculous bullshit 12 yr girl throwing a tantrum attitude had to start insulting.
Its because you flakes arw spouting off bullshit about clones and seeds that you have no clue what your talking about. But...fuk it. Yall can have it. I sometimes feel like iam selling musepf short by posting on this forum. Later.
Huh? How can a healthy clone of a seed plant be any different? Its the same frikin plant? Are any of you really serious about growing? Because sometimes i wonder. Fukin forums man. I need to lay off. Iam outta here. Unreal.
Take a LOOK at the STRUCTURE of a clone! They only have 1 shoot per node! A seed plant has 2 shoots per node! It’s not fucking rocket science!! The one with more shoots has the chance to yield much more!! You need to get a fuckin clue pal