Random Jabber Jibber thread

I feel your pain.

Life is demarcated by zones of converging fire.


That's a high dolla word.

I can't afford to pay attention let alone let someone tax my brain.
Wtf is up with you two weirdos?
We need to turn off the sock, borderline and bipolar sign we are all full

Jesus Christ am I one of the weirdos again?
Was just about to hook Sunshine up with a flame thrower
Nah, not you, you just wandered into the fray. Please hook up Mr S, he's a regular artiste with a flame thrower
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Lol. I have no problem getting old, but I couldn't/wouldn't do that stuff in my 20s. That's some superhero shit. I certainly admire it from a distance...
That's why you're getting old! How many studs did that in their 20/30's and lived to tell??? The answer is not enough to be statistically significant LOL hence why you gotta love the srh's and Indagrows
My wife picked up a tiny kitten at the train station this morning, decided to wait for next train and phoned me to come fetch the cat.
So I am babysitting a rescue kitten today. I fucking love kittens almost as much as piglets. Will have to find a home for her as I don't want any new pets. It is too sad when they get old and die.
I counted at least 30 different spots during this ride that would have meant certain death for me. These dudes are fucking nuts, what's wrong with these guys (@Indagrow , @srh88 )???

Those dudes and dudetts are nice with it. If you start doing any of the extreme side of sports at a young age you get pretty comfortable on your poison of choice. That being said you get comfortable and good at crashing... Yes there is a right and wrong way to crash. Once you realize after all the slams you've taken you arnt dead you start to weigh if the adrenaline you've come to be addicted to after heavy doses of every weekend or day is worth the now diminished risk you tricked yourself into believing... Fear tends to take a back seat.

That being said I'm sure srh is on the same page that with age you do slow down but really you just let the little guys hit the new jumps first because at least they still bounce.

I wouldn't huck much on a bicycle as I rely heavily on my engine to just pin it if I get scared out there.. 9/10 times a handful of throttle fixes everything