Well ... they voted it down ...


New Member
Yeah, I made a few bucks shorting stocks today, It was a scary ride though, at one point I was down a few hundred, but sold the short and bought back in for the late rally, sweet. Now's the time to make good gains if you know what to do, short some, buy some, play the trends.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I made a few bucks shorting stocks today, It was a scary ride though, at one point I was down a few hundred, but sold the short and bought back in for the late rally, sweet. Now's the time to make good gains if you know what to do, short some, buy some, play the trends.
yea, and vegas is fun too, but i wouldn;t take my life savings there


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I made a few bucks shorting stocks today, It was a scary ride though, at one point I was down a few hundred, but sold the short and bought back in for the late rally, sweet. Now's the time to make good gains if you know what to do, short some, buy some, play the trends.
I have no idea what this means ... I'm one of those people you hear about that has to live from paycheck to paycheck ... due to low paying wages ... and lack of good paying jobs in the area ... I have to fight to make ends meet ... I'm one of the unfortunates that has to work for money instead of money working for me ... :wall:
... but it was interesting that my rep voted no ... must have gotten a lot of calls to his office ... he usually votes for the corporations ... got to be feeling the heat ... Pelosi ... has shown us again she is nothing more than the treasonous bitch she truly is ... holding the vote open after the time limit ... wtf:finger:


Well-Known Member
Kind of ironic that the party who is all about deregulation, was stunned when their attempt for regulation was thwarted.


New Member
I have no idea what this means ... I'm one of those people you hear about that has to live from paycheck to paycheck ... due to low paying wages ... and lack of good paying jobs in the area ... I have to fight to make ends meet ... I'm one of the unfortunates that has to work for money instead of money working for me ... :wall:
This means that like you, when I was young I worked my ass off just to pay the bills, saved a little cash and in my senior years, have a little cash to play with. By a little, I mean a little, not a lot. Everytime you push that Buy/short button, you are gambling, but today it was a slam dunk. As soon as the bill was turned down, I pushed the short button on my selected stock, one that I've been watching that rides right along with the market in general, It dropped like a rock, I then cashed it out and bought it back in time to ride the recovery cycle, for a few hundred bucks. I'll be watching the market closely now to see what happens. I'll tell you this, pick a relative stock (One that rides along with the market) and when the bill comes in,. buy it and watch it soar. It's gambling, but if you're careful, you have the odds. This BTW is the first time I've played the market in months, too volatile and no direction. Like tomorrow, may be another good day for shorts, but I think the market has overcorrected so I'll just watch unless some new news comes out of DC. BTW, it's not for the faint of heart to sit and watch your money melt away, but the rush when it is growing is awesome. One could get hooked with a little success, I've lost over 35,000 in the markets so I'm super careful, I don't by any means claim to be an expert, today, fortunes were made in the short market, believe it. If I made a few hundred, you can bet a few people made a few million.


Well-Known Member
Good for you, Med. Capitalism works when the government gets out of the way. When was the ban lifted?

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The world may be about to find out if short sellers really are the scoundrels they are accused of being for exacerbating the current financial crisis.

In the past few days, regulators in the United States, Britain, Canada and Germany have imposed unprecedented temporary bans on the short selling of financial shares as they seek to head off what is threatening to be the worst financial turmoil since the Great Depression.

They blamed short sellers for the rapid decline in major banks, such as Morgan Stanley (MS.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), last week. For financial markets already reeling from the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, the declines triggered questions about whether more big banks would falter and worsen a credit markets freeze that threatens the broader economy.
Short sale bans seen as risky | Reuters

Big P

Well-Known Member
I have no idea what this means ... I'm one of those people you hear about that has to live from paycheck to paycheck ... due to low paying wages ... and lack of good paying jobs in the area ... I have to fight to make ends meet ... I'm one of the unfortunates that has to work for money instead of money working for me ... :wall:

god forbid if all that hard work pays off on day

if it does, how would you reply to your above post if somone said that to you? just wondering


Well-Known Member
This is a small triumph for the american people! It gives me hope that people will not stand by and allow the federal government to continue to steal their civil liberties. :peace:


Well-Known Member
this will not affect me...I pay cash for everything..
It already has effected you. Did you see the way the dollar was diving earlier this summer?

That was the result of people losing confidence in the dollar and ditching it faster than I'd burn a 3 dollar bill with Hillary Clinton's face on it.


Well-Known Member
god forbid if all that hard work pays off on day

if it does, how would you reply to your above post if somone said that to you? just wondering
so how does all that hard work pay off if you don't make enough to have anything other than the very basic needs? What happens when the situation is the same for years ... how is that going to pay off?
If it did pay off my response would be "it's a miracle" ... :o


Well-Known Member
There must be consequences for poor decisions. You made your bed now you must lie in it. Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall in it. Everything can not always be happy and good. There are good times and bad times, yin and yang, day and night, positive and negative. It is the natural order and those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.


Well-Known Member
There must be consequences for poor decisions. You made your bed now you must lie in it. Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall in it. Everything can not always be happy and good. There are good times and bad times, yin and yang, day and night, positive and negative. It is the natural order and those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.
...and what poor decisions were made ... what pit did I dig ... you seem to know so much ... tell me ... :-P


Well-Known Member
Well, you live in a town with a lack of well paying jobs, most likely you don't have an education, because if you did, you can find a decent job in any town or city. No body told you to have kids you can't support. That is the bed you've made and now, you must lie in it.

Are you telling me that you don't blow $50 a month on things you don't need? Whether it be soda, cigarettes, coffee, or what ever. This is your money that you can invest. Its not our fault you decide to spend this money on something that is not needed.

$50 a month might not sound like a lot, but its $600 a year. If you are investing it, whether it be in the market, a 401k, or just a savings account, this money will add up. Everybody has money they can save. Some may have more than others.

I am one of those people that works paycheck to paycheck as well, but I understand it is my own fault. I blow my money on things that are not needed, and thats why I don't have a bunch of extra money lying around. I quit a well paying job, close to $80,000 a year, simply because I hated what I was doing. 60hrs a week just isn't for me. But it is my choice I am broke, just like it is your choice. Move to a different city with more work, get an education so you can find another job, etc. There is no one to blame for your misfortune other than yourself.