AP NewsBreak: US to end policy that let legal pot flourish

Yeah, I saw that. He's a nut job, but there really isn't anything to stop the doj from making recommendations that health insurers are bound to follow. So every time you get your cholesterol checked, they will screen you for drugs, including cannabis. They can very easily deny coverage for treatment relating to illegal drug use.

What could go wrong?
good luck finding a jury that will convict in legal states.since this does not involve interstate commerce it seems a 10th amendment issue would be raised as well and when democrats regain control of congress this year he may have trouble getting funding for this. in the past congress has prohibited the justice department from using federal money to fund enforcement in legal states.when the white trailer trash that voted for trump does not see the manufacturing jobs returning to the rust belt they may decide not to vote out of frustration.and if you think that tax cut trump gave his rich friends is going to help working people just look at wall streets reaction to it.trump is the best thing that could happen to the democratic party.he makes Nixon look like a saint:):):)
good luck finding a jury that will convict in legal states.since this does not involve interstate commerce it seems a 10th amendment issue would be raised as well and when democrats regain control of congress this year he may have trouble getting funding for this. in the past congress has prohibited the justice department from using federal money to fund enforcement in legal states.when the white trailer trash that voted for trump does not see the manufacturing jobs returning to the rust belt they may decide not to vote out of frustration.and if you think that tax cut trump gave his rich friends is going to help working people just look at wall streets reaction to it.trump is the best thing that could happen to the democratic party.he makes Nixon look like a saint:):):)

Well, that's just the issue. They don't need to convict at the state level. These will be federal charges and they can try you in federal court. Sure, the juries may not want to convict in some places, but they choose the venue.....

Also, they can seize assets without even charging you. So it is going to get very expensive, very fast. During ronnie raygun's era, people lost homes, cars, yacht's, and planes over single joints. In some places, a little shake or a roach or a seed is all they need.

Good luck with that.
good luck finding a jury that will convict in legal states.since this does not involve interstate commerce it seems a 10th amendment issue would be raised as well and when democrats regain control of congress this year he may have trouble getting funding for this. in the past congress has prohibited the justice department from using federal money to fund enforcement in legal states.when the white trailer trash that voted for trump does not see the manufacturing jobs returning to the rust belt they may decide not to vote out of frustration.and if you think that tax cut trump gave his rich friends is going to help working people just look at wall streets reaction to it.trump is the best thing that could happen to the democratic party.he makes Nixon look like a saint:):):)
they don't need a jury for 'asset forfeiture'
I bet the big players in the rec states are pretty nervous to say the least. Whatever sector of the industry they are in. Growing...pot stores...food. Any of it. The big multi million dollar operations got to be freaking. Not knowing whats gonna happen. I bet alot of lawyers phones are ringing off the hook. Or will be soon.
Sessions is always at the far right. Doesn't mean shit. He not sending in fed SWAT teams into Cali to bust anyone. State government and everyone else on down would stop that shit quickly.

He sucks, but he's a mouthpiece allowing Rump to appear as moderate
Only time will tell if feds try to crack a few (dozen) citizen's piggy banks. It'd be easy money for those dogs.
Buying the dips. That's all this is. Too many medical States, growing # of recreational states. That's way too much pressure to allow this cartoon to do jack shit. States will continue to go medical and recreational. It's too much $$ for the states, and the states voted.