AP NewsBreak: US to end policy that let legal pot flourish

why would you invest in any pot business?...
I've invested most of my life in the pot industry, and so far (knock on a wooden pipe) it has served me well.
I had an option once to buy Apple at $35 thirty years ago, and have been kicking myself in the ass ever since,.
Developing marijuana industries in this country are an opportunity for a investor to get in early, like right now, and it will be a winning situation.
No brainer
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I've invested most of my life in the pot industry, and so far (knock on a wooden pipe) and it has served me well.
I had an option once to buy Apple at $35 thirty years ago, and have been kicking myself in the ass ever since,.
Developing marijuana industries in this country are an opportunity for a investor to get in early, like right now, and it will be a winning situation.
No brainer
sessions just killed the "Developing marijuana industries"...
more supply=less profits.
I live next to a legal state and was worried for awhile about drop off of my customer base, like them driving across the border to buy.
Some did, but all come back to my shit because of a few simple reasons.
1- my herb is better/better variety
2-my prices are better
I have no fear of legal weed, because I grow the best shit in the WORLD!!! :) :) :)
I live next to a legal state and was worried for awhile about drop off of my customer base, like them driving across the border to buy.
Some did, but all come back to my shit because of a few simple reasons.
1- my herb is better/better variety
2-my prices are better
I have no fear of legal weed, because I grow the best shit in the WORLD!!! :) :) :)
i was arguing rrog's point. it's nothing like tobacco. if you were ever in the South in the 80s, there were tobacco fields everywhere. and tobacco plants don't have to worry about being seeded by a single male plant and ruining the harvest. and nicotine is extremely physically addictive, not so with MJ.
sessions just killed the "Developing marijuana industries"...
The coppers have been trying to stop me for over 35 years from growing/selling herb, and Sessions is just a bug on the road in my opinion.
It will never work
Over 51% of American voters believe pot should be legal, and it is getting stronger everyday, so he is knocking on the wrong fucking door if he wants to go after pot.
It seems that he has nothing better to do right now, than just to create more chaos and divert attention from the fucked up Administration that he works for,.and I think most people understand that.
Ya might wanna factor in legal fees, risk of imprisonment, etc.
Yea, there are consequences for standing up for your rights as an individual to grow and smoke a plant.
ALL fucking drugs should be legal, just like the ones sanctioned today, like caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol.
The government should have no say in what I want to do with my body.

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I think Trump is done in 2020 (god I hope so) but if he has any blowback or political costs in letting Sessions and his goons have at it...he might reign him in. I dont know. Trump is wildly unpredictable. Even to himself. His recent comments about nuclear buttons is fukin scary. This child has no business near nuclear weapon capability.
Ya might wanna factor in legal fees, risk of imprisonment, etc.
i was arguing rrog's post that weed is like tobacco, endlessly profitable if it becomes legal. it's not.

weed nowadays is like craft beer. the really good stuff is like russian river or 3 floyds. expertly crafted, supreme taste, etc.

if weed becomes legal and mass grown by philips morris/ lorrilard, it will become more like coors light/budweiser. it'd be going backwards, not forwards.

is it happy hour yet?
i was arguing rrog's post that weed is like tobacco, endlessly profitable if it becomes legal. it's not.

weed nowadays is like craft beer. the really good stuff is like russian river or 3 floyds. expertly crafted, supreme taste, etc.

if weed becomes legal and mass grown by philips morris/ lorrilard, it will become more like coors light/budweiser. it'd be going backwards, not forwards.

is it happy hour yet?

so true
The coppers have been trying to stop me for over 35 years from growing/selling herb, and Sessions is just a bug on the road in my opinion.
It will never work
Over 51% of American voters believe pot should be legal, and it is getting stronger everyday, so he is knocking on the wrong fucking door if he wants to go after pot.
It seems that he has nothing better to do right now, than just to create more chaos and divert attention from the fucked up Administration that he works for,.and I think most people understand that.

Sessions is a punk and the time for assholes like him has already come and gone.