A Sleu of Questions for the Answering - Please Don’t Be Shy


Well-Known Member
P.S. I have researched most of this stuff and have my own conclusions but always want to make sure I keep an open mind to other ideas and suggestions. Just wanted to put that out there so you all know I’m not being lazyzzz....lol.


1) Do you make hash, if so bubble or another form? Any tips on that process? 5 gallon vs 1 gallon bags, bubble machine, washing process, etc.?

2) Temps ambient or canopy? What’s ideal temps and RH% for each? I seem to not see a difference noted or a differentiation between the two.m ever given...Which is most important to watch or are both equally important?

3) How cold does it need to be to stunt growth by roots being too cold?

4) would you order new super soil from coast of Maine for a photo or just reuse the soil from a small yielding auto plant? The plant had issues with pH and just not sure the soil is worth trying to revitalize.

5) If you had to make a choice, Would you use tap water (my tap has a lot of extra shit in it) distilled water, spring water or purified water for watering/mixing nutes?

6) do you wash your buds before drying? if so what is your process?

7) is it mandatory to have a oscillating fan on the buds/in bud dry box while drying them?

8 ) Can I dry in a large plastic container or is it best to build a smaller box (using plywood and drywall)? I would coat the Inside with reflective insulation for easy cleaning and keeping temps steady.

9) Could you give a quick run down of how you run your photos? on major milestones such as how long to veg, when to flip to flower, what to watch out for, etc?

10) Does anyone use ascorbic acid for a pH down, to remove chloramine, etc? If so, what purpose and dosage? If not, why don’t you use it?

Greatly appreciate all the feedback. Trying to create a manual of answers to growing questions.

Happy Growing!!!
10) Does anyone use ascorbic acid for a pH down, to remove chloramine, etc? If so, what purpose and dosage? If not, why don’t you use it?

A) I dont remove the Chloramine/Chlorine from my water because it is pointless and has no effect on plant or soil life whatsoever and the minuscule amount will breakdown quite easily through endothermic reaction. Its use in the water system is to prevent filtered clean water from culturing colonies of certain harmful bugs but does nothing to already established colonies that one might find in soil media or coco. The levels are set by world safe drinking standards and these are well below the harmful levels for plant and microbial life, easily tested through culturing bacteria and fungi agar plates and seeing if mere tap water sterilizes the surface. The levels are around 3ppm usually, most detailed water reports will show your upper and lower tolerances.

Maybe google the other 9 answers yourself :-)
10) Does anyone use ascorbic acid for a pH down, to remove chloramine, etc? If so, what purpose and dosage? If not, why don’t you use it?

A) I dont remove the Chloramine/Chlorine from my water because it is pointless and has no effect on plant or soil life whatsoever and the minuscule amount will breakdown quite easily through endothermic reaction. Its use in the water system is to prevent filtered clean water from culturing colonies of certain harmful bugs but does nothing to already established colonies that one might find in soil media or coco. The levels are set by world safe drinking standards and these are well below the harmful levels for plant and microbial life, easily tested through culturing bacteria and fungi agar plates and seeing if mere tap water sterilizes the surface. The levels are around 3ppm usually, most detailed water reports will show your upper and lower tolerances.

Maybe google the other 9 answers yourself :-)
That's good info!
I know growers in my area who use RO for no reason. Tap water is very good here (20 PPM, PH = 7.4).
They are just wasting water and money. :dunce:
Don't you mean "more politically correct here"?

Less, its not such high stakes, no ones coming at ya here, more friendly, a place to nurture, more traffic less dramatic, more us average growers.

Ya know i worked my way up a bit in newbie and plant problem before i stuck in general, im not quite ready for the rest of rollitup quite yet, few more years maybe :-)
1. Yes... get the small bags if personal runs are all you plan to do and the ones that are all mesh work better than canvas sided ones but the but the easiest way I've found to do bubble is to use one of those portable washing machines. Frenchy is the man

2. Temps are super important. Keep it as close to 70deg F as possible. That's not so easy with bigass lights in tight spaces but as long as you keep it under 85 it won't hurt the bud too much. Higher than 85deg F temps makes for airy buds. High RH is a big problem but low is not really unless you live in the desert; try to keep it under 40% if you can. If it's uncomfortable for you it's the same for them. Get a dehumidifier if you live where it gets muggy in the summer.

3. I've had stunted plants from sitting on cold concrete even in somewhat mild outdoor temps. Keep them off the floor if it's cold. Milk crates work well for this. Under 45 degF is likely the lower temp threshold where you would need to heat the grow area. Not so sure tho cuz I've never let them get that cold.

4. Always amend and recycle your soil. It never goes bad but it might need lime, compost, NPK inputs, etc and time to set to normalize ph. Check out the organic section for help on this.

5. Best water to use in soil is rainwater but obviously that's not always possible. If you are using nutes it doesn't matter as much if you use tap but if you want a natural soil grow without nutrients then you'll want to use a clean water source. I use water collected from my dehumidifier when I need to but luckily I also have access to a natural spring. I collect rain and snow runoff in buckets when possible.

6. No I like it dirty

7. No just hang them in an enclosed space like a grow tent w/no fans at room temp for 7-10 days

8. That sounds like a recipe for mold. Use a space like s closet or grow tent that gets passive air exchange but no circulation

9. Veg your plants until they are about 2/3 the size you want them to finish at..they will grow about 30% larger in bloom phase. Too many variables here to give more than a generic answer.

10. No very bad idea. That will acidify the F out your mix and doesn't remove chloramine. In fact nothing will & that's why they use it. Chlorinated water is not instant death but it will slowly kill off the microbes you may be relying on to feed your plants in a living soil. You can always add them back even if you do with an organic tea regiment. Again if you are using nutrients then it doesn't matter; chloramine is fine for the plants but not for the microherd.
Damn dude.... i think you need to take the time and read a few books that will answer almost al of your questions.bongsmilie
http://catnews.org/FREE Pot Books/
Wasted space from anyone who can’t respond with an answer. I already have my answwrss but getting other opinions is all I was looking for. If you don’t like it shut the fuck up and don’t answer. Who needs to google shit when you have (well I thought) intelligent growers but I guess assholes of individuals. I don’t need your help if your not willing to just give solid responses vs this weak as shit of comments.
Wasted space from anyone who can’t respond with an answer. I already have my answwrss but getting other opinions is all I was looking for. If you don’t like it shut the fuck up and don’t answer. Who needs to google shit when you have (well I thought) intelligent growers but I guess assholes of individuals. I don’t need your help if your not willing to just give solid responses vs this weak as shit of comments.

What the fuck is it with RIU and peeps that are asking for help,advice what ever and they come all stupid out there mouf when they don't get what they wanted on a silver spoon??
1. Yes... get the small bags if personal runs are all you plan to do and the ones that are all mesh work better than canvas sided ones but the but the easiest way I've found to do bubble is to use one of those portable washing machines. Frenchy is the man

Got it.
Temps are super important. Keep it as close to 70deg F as possible. That's not so easy with bigass lights in tight spaces but as long as you keep it under 85 it won't hurt the bud too much. Higher than 85deg F temps makes for airy buds. High RH is a big problem but low is not really unless you live in the desert; try to keep it under 40% if you can. If it's uncomfortable for you it's the same for them. Get a dehumidifier if you live where it gets muggy in the summer.

Yep. Got it. My ambient temps/RH are 75F/48% on average with lights on and 63-65F/35% with lights off. My canopy temps/RH are 69-70F/50% with lights on and 62-64F/35% with lights off.

I currently just have a warm air humidifier to increase humidity. I don’t think I even need a dehumidifier unless I want to get RH lower than 30%. I leave my vortex on 24/7 to help keep the smell down and keep a continuous flow of air going through box.

Always amend and recycle your soil. It never goes bad but it might need lime, compost, NPK inputs, etc and time to set to normalize ph. Check out the organic section for help on this.

Yep read a lot out of the organic section. I am using the coast of Maine growers mix “super soil” but I don’t want not to buy another bag just for one more plant. So I was thinking of buying some of the Dr Earth All Purpose Organic Potting Soil to use for the next plant. I currently use Recharge, Vegamatrix Amp-It, Growmore Jumpstart, Aloe Vera Juice, Coconut Water and Molasses so the soil should have enough micros and macros to run the plants life. I’ll be running a dinafem critical plus (photo), and plan to veg the plant until it’s about 3ft tall, and based on 30-35% more growth I would be around 4ft tall at the final stretch. Has anyone ever used the Dr Earth All Purpose Organic Potting Soil?

Yeah another grower and I have been discussing this very same point on ascorbic acid and there’s so little out there on it in relation to what we grow...

No just hang them in an enclosed space like a grow tent w/no fans at room temp for 7-10 days

8. That sounds like a recipe for mold. Use a space like s closet or grow tent that gets passive air exchange but no circulation

Yeah I didn’t plan on it just saw someone mention it and had their buds hanging on strings inside the plastic container.

Any thoughts on this plan: I plan to build a small 2.5x2.5x4 drying box that will be sealed well and insulated and will have a 4” intake and 4” exhaust hole. I plan on running 4” ducting from the exhaust hole to one of my 4” intake vents on my veg/flower grow box. That grow box is currently under negative pressure so in theory it should continue to pull air from outside grow box/drying box through the drying box, then through the exhaust into the grow box and back out through the phresh filter and vortex fan to be recirculated. I figured this would eliminate smell, help control RH and most likely keep temps around 60-65F.

Btw: @Richard Drysift - thanks for the informative responses...
What the fuck is it with RIU and peeps that are asking for help,advice what ever and they come all stupid out there mouf when they don't get what they wanted on a silver spoon??

It’s just as easy to be an asshole as it is to be helpful. At least I’m learning that much from RIU. I’m not a novice if we talk book smart, I’ve read a ton of materials and perused a ton of forums. It’s annoying when peeps can’t just give a positive and supportive answer and be done with it. You got other jackasses chiming in because like they are such great growers. The great growers are the ones who take the time to respond with helpful suggestions versus ridicule. Take that to the weed bank!

Oh yeah and if some of you would stop smoking and read I clearly said I have my own conclusions and thoughts but was just looking for other points of view...
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No one was an asshole dude....but you.

I remember all those guys that came out of school for roofing....all them book smarts,and reading up on stuff......they didn't know shit.You can scour the internet and read every damn book on the planet.....none of it beats experience.

1.no it's usually gifted

2.temps and RH....look up vpd charts...learn about plant transpiration.Between those 2 you should get a good grasp on what your environment should be like.

3.kinda subjective...suggested root zone temps are like between 72-75 i believe.

4.no answer....i'm coco

5.this would depend on if i had shit tap water,good tap water,etc,etc

6.no.....i smoke them not eat them

7.no it's not mandatory

8.you can dry in what ever is available....it doesn't matter.

9.i could tell you....but there's also 98,275,097,986,748,757,489,572,864,598,547,937,698,576 ways to do it.

10.no i have well water....hard as fuck.....and my coco likes it.

What the fuck is it with RIU and peeps that are asking for help,advice what ever and they come all stupid out there mouf when they don't get what they wanted on a silver spoon??

He came to an online help forum and made his own polite topic where nobody is forced to post.. but basically got told to go else where. So yeah, people with that attitude truly need to shut the fuck up.
No one was an asshole dude....but you.
Somehow I’m the asshole for asking now questions grow the fuxk up and get laid pen soemthjng. You made a great point tho and the major reason a new grower like me ask questions.

I run things like a business and this is nothing different. Don’t assume you know how I do things. You know what assuming does. But mostly the ass is on u.

I know enough about VPD and normally follow that as a guide as much as possible. See don’t assume people don’t know. As @Flowki stated, and btw @Flowki - Floki is awesome in Vikings lol. But yea I was really only looking for opinions to compare with my findings and my conclusions on best practices... the only way “book smart assholes” like me stay ahead of everyone is because we are well versed in all aspects of our lives. This also transpires over to my growing habits and techniques. So please don’t put me asking questions to generate talk (and tbh mostly for other new growers) who are less educated in these particular topics which were top ones for me. Google won’t tell you shit besides shit and then you need to decipher what’s the good shit bs bad shit. I only want to get better so if I offend some of you by asking questions I’m sorry but I thought that’s why I joined this forum vs others. I am only on RIU because of the talented growers who actually give sound advice versus attacking someone who is looking to learn more and or debate techniques.

Yes I agree experience is number one and that’s where I’m headed and have learned a lot recently.

Thanks for your replies tho @vertnugs - you really didn’t throw any meat in the game. Kind of weak answers imo. Hahahhaha. Halfway kidding.
Afraid to ask...lmao.

I’m thinking of just pulling this plant and calling it a loss. It’s taking up space and I want to start a photo and don’t want too crowd the box.

Question is should I thrash it and move on? I’ve had issues with this plant since day Early on and I just don’t think it will yield anything worthy. It looks terrible and lacking vigor compared to my other plants.

These 2, just wanting to confirm nodes and in your opinion when I should top/fim them. I was thinking of waiting for another node before fimming them. So I planned to FIM at the 5th node. Here are the pics:

Sour Diesel Auto:

Dark Devil Auto:64C95004-157D-400A-AE81-E10BAF133ADF.png

Any positive thoughts and suggestions appreciated...
Damn dude.... i think you need to take the time and read a few books that will answer almost al of your questions.bongsmilie
http://catnews.org/FREE Pot Books/

^^^^That right there isn't rude,being a dick,fuckboy whatever you choose to call it.It's actually a very common answer to basic ?'s

That shit under this....that....that is some one being rude,being a dick,fuckboy,the terms i choose to use.

Wasted space from anyone who can’t respond with an answer. I already have my answwrss but getting other opinions is all I was looking for. If you don’t like it shut the fuck up and don’t answer. Who needs to google shit when you have (well I thought) intelligent growers but I guess assholes of individuals. I don’t need your help if your not willing to just give solid responses vs this weak as shit of comments.

Did you read it^^^^^that shit.No matter what any ones response was it doesn't change the way that shit does now does it?

It’s annoying when peeps can’t just give a positive and supportive answer and be done with it.Remember that silver spoon i mentioned? The great growers are the ones who take the time to respond with helpful suggestions versus ridicule. Take that to the weed bank!And whether some one is a great grower hasn't got shit to do with whether they take the time to answer ?'s,or whether they're a bigass dick,or if they're a fuckin choir boy.

He came to an online help forum and made his own polite topic where nobody is forced to post.. but basically got told to go else where. So yeah, people with that attitude truly need to shut the fuck up.

Yes....his response to the poster that just completely wrecked him was perfect!Come on for real??

Whiny ass cry babys......that's who should actually shut the fuck up.How the fuck is every one so god damn tender in this world???

Somehow I’m the asshole for asking now questions grow the fuxk up and get laid pen soemthjng. You made a great point tho and the major reason a new grower like me ask questions.

I run things like a business and this is nothing different. Don’t assume you know how I do things. You know what assuming does. But mostly the ass is on u.

I know enough about VPD and normally follow that as a guide as much as possible. See don’t assume people don’t know. As @Flowki stated, and btw @Flowki - Floki is awesome in Vikings lol. But yea I was really only looking for opinions to compare with my findings and my conclusions on best practices... the only way “book smart assholes” like me stay ahead of everyone is because we are well versed in all aspects of our lives. This also transpires over to my growing habits and techniques. So please don’t put me asking questions to generate talk (and tbh mostly for other new growers) who are less educated in these particular topics which were top ones for me. Google won’t tell you shit besides shit and then you need to decipher what’s the good shit bs bad shit. I only want to get better so if I offend some of you by asking questions I’m sorry but I thought that’s why I joined this forum vs others. I am only on RIU because of the talented growers who actually give sound advice versus attacking someone who is looking to learn more and or debate techniques.

Yes I agree experience is number one and that’s where I’m headed and have learned a lot recently.

Thanks for your replies tho @vertnugs - you really didn’t throw any meat in the game. Kind of weak answers imo. Hahahhaha. Halfway kidding.

No.....get this now.....it's a doozie...you're (acting) like an asshole because some one on a forum.....didn't give you what you wanted....nothing more nothing less.That poster damn sure didn't come at you the way you went at him,agreed?

You really wanna know what it's like to catch some shit???

Start a thread on herm seeds from Bohdi