Hps on seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. just a quick question about seedlings. Approximately how far away should i be keeping my 250w hps from my seedlings? light is on 18 hours a day and currently it about 18 to 20 inches away. any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
yes u can. im doing it with a 600w hps....

not too sure how far mine are away but there about half way the size of my other plants. no signs of stretching yet so ive kept them there.


Well-Known Member
If you do you have to have it there before it sprouts so it is adjusted to the light as it grows. If it's an inch or so tall and you've had it under 40 watts of CFL and then stick 1000 HPS 6 inches over it, you will kill it. Sorry, just reread it and it's a 250 not a 1000, so you shouldn't have any problems with a 250.

I'd just leave it at 18 inches if you aren't having any problems and the heat on the back of your hand isn't bad.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input guys. yeah vegging under 250 and flowering under either 400 or 600w. well see.


New Member
you can complete the whole cycle from seed to bud under hps.its all down to how you control your growing.this 5/6/nodes info is bull.


Well-Known Member
you can complete the whole cycle from seed to bud under hps.its all down to how you control your growing.this 5/6/nodes info is bull.

yeah i agree. my AK47 are doing good under the 600w. 4 days old an nothing wrong with em


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree. my AK47 are doing good under the 600w. 4 days old an nothing wrong with em

Whats the heat like from your 600w? would it be much more than the 400w, only im in an apartment and its very warm as it is without lights and ballast, weve never had to turn the heating on even in winter. and im in ireland. i have a fan on the light but any more would be too noisy as i run my lights through the night. i will be purchasing my 400/600 in about a week or 2


Well-Known Member
shit i started 6 babies under my 70W HPS.and they turned out real nice. about 4 inch's from tops.... also my one freind that has been growing for like 15 years says when he starts seedlings he puts his 1000W HPS right on top of his pots pretty much, then when they sprout he moves it only like a cm farther away. but he starts seedlings in some stocking soil type thing. putting plastic wrap on top creating condensation on the inside..... its weird to explain but he gets 100% succes


Well-Known Member
I just ordered the 600W HPS... I was going to get a 400, but decided to add a cool tube and just get the 600....

Good luck...



New Member
shit i started 6 babies under my 70W HPS.and they turned out real nice. about 4 inch's from tops.... also my one freind that has been growing for like 15 years says when he starts seedlings he puts his 1000W HPS right on top of his pots pretty much, then when they sprout he moves it only like a cm farther away. but he starts seedlings in some stocking soil type thing. putting plastic wrap on top creating condensation on the inside..... its weird to explain but he gets 100% succes
its not weird its just germinating seeds as you would with a propogator.
and it does give 100% germ rate.the stocking/soil type thing is called a peat pellet or a jiffy cube.you simply soak them/squeeze them then plant the seed 5mm deep,keep in the dark with the plastic cover on the propogator or put cling film over the pot/pellet in soil and once sprouted(72 hrs) move under your lights.its easy as fuck.


Well-Known Member
the guy ik. he is fucking whacked out. he couldnt explain it to me. kinda get it. but he said u fill a stocking with soil then put the stocking with soilinto a pot with soil in it. put suranwrap on top then let it grow. kinda fuckin wierd


Well-Known Member
Just an old hippie way of gardening, the roots grow through the pantyhose, easier transplanting, like a homemwde jiffy cube. Newspaper does the same thing.

-on topic I personally recomend putting seedlings under flourescents, or a mh.

Hps gives off a different red spectrum, the blue lights are more for vegging, growth.


Well-Known Member
Whats the heat like from your 600w? would it be much more than the 400w, only im in an apartment and its very warm as it is without lights and ballast, weve never had to turn the heating on even in winter. and im in ireland. i have a fan on the light but any more would be too noisy as i run my lights through the night. i will be purchasing my 400/600 in about a week or 2
the heat is ok. i get normal temps. max is 80 - 85F. i run it at night to try and even out the temps with the cold british weather.


Well-Known Member
I wondered if roots would grow thru panthose, now I know. Those things come in handy for so many things it's unbelieveable.


Well-Known Member
I think pantyhouse have more uses than duct tape, duck tape whichever state you are ine.