Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
The GOP doesn't have the Wall in their platform?
Common man, let's get fucking real.
The Republicans have been licking Trump's balls since he was elected, who was elected to build the Wall.
If they (GOP) want to defund CHIP and deport the Dreamers, that's on their heads, and them alone.
Let's see how that works out in November.
The GOP of course has the wall in their platform, I was speaking to an approved budget that funds the wall, hence the likely shutdown. I believe I last heard they wanted $20B funded for the wall to be built.
Of course the Republican led House and Senate will blame the Democrats if this occurs, and rightfully so, because this is what a true Democracy looks like.

The Turtle did not let democracy take place. Republicans are to blame for this entire mess.

Not too long ago The Turtle said ALL Republicans would not even consider a vote on the Supreme Court nominee. It's time they get a taste of their own medicine. Democrats should let the House and Senate majority Republicans vote on laws that will bring this country down. Then maybe dumb-dumbs will start seeing what votes really do mean for the democracy of the United States, if there is any left, which is debatable.
Glad I came out with it. I will stand up for what is right, even if Im standing alone.. later...prick..hope prick suffices

that is exactly why i won't shut up about trump. i've quit talking to some family and some friends. i'm standing up for what's right. fuck every single piece of shit that voted for trump and especially those that still support him