Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018


Well-Known Member
Screw. Ill host one myself. Feel free to enter this one as well. I don't have lights but I can put up prizes.

We will start Feb 14 2018.

Has to be a 16 oz solo cup. Generic allowed so is foam. All parts must be contained in the cup. Any amount of drainage holes and can be on the side to make a hempy.

Five cups are allowed and choose one for flower.

No external watering devices or reservoirs.

Has to be led. 12/12 from start.
Count Me In At Least I Can Win Prizes Over Here Oh And Are These Legal :joint:
Right there is What I'm talking about. What is the difference in a steel, plastic or foam. Nothing. I bet you solo cup program could recognize that foam cup. It came from the solo cup section.

I got over a 100 16 oz cups but they have 5 holes in the bottom. I was going to ask if u could plug 4 and just leave the 1/4 hole in the middle.

I figure you would say no. You know cause there is no ryme or reason. You just like the power of saying no.
Screw. Ill host one myself. Feel free to enter this one as well. I don't have lights but I can put up prizes.

We will start Feb 14 2018.

Has to be a 16 oz solo cup. Generic allowed so is foam. All parts must be contained in the cup. Any amount of drainage holes and can be on the side to make a hempy.

Five cups are allowed and choose one for flower.

No external watering devices or reservoirs.

Has to be led. 12/12 from start.

Hey, mr white,
If you're going to switch up some rules. . . why still led only?
Oh And The Cups You Posted In The Other Thread Doesn't Have Hole's. I Mean Who Would Buy Insulated Coffee Cups With 5 Holes??
Oic You Grow In You Mommy's Basement :shock:
Sorry dude. Own my own place. Draw a pension because I'm a disabled veteran, own rental property and work for myself.

Yes. Its in a basement. My basement.

So what's the difference in a plastic, steel and foam cup? You are not allowing one just because you can. I bet your program would recognize it. Just ego and power trip.

You are the one that got bent all out of shape after ing someone else to get thicker skin.

As per your original rules it just said nothing outside if the cup and one hole.

Its all good man. No need to get tore up man.