Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
A quarter is 7 grams a third is 9 and a bit grams.
25% = 1/4
33.3 % = 1/3
lol ok i think imthought what i thought from clocks or some shit like a querter of an hour is 15 minets so for of thos one hour idk im confusing my self tryna figure it out lol i l just take tje correct info and run with it lol :oops::dunce:


Well-Known Member
Someone said it before get in a routine each day water, clean, check... if it dont feel right DONT feed it check again until you KNOW its right... otherwise and its a shit feeling you come away with nadda and you see the $ lost on nutes, power bill and shit...
I’ve mixed up so much nutes I could probably just free pour it and get pretty close but I measure everything then test every litre I mix still cutting corners will only end up biting you on the ass in the long run


Well-Known Member
lol if i dod sell it would only be one or to people id sell it for what its awways been here a gram for 20 dollers querter 90 half 190 oz 290


Well-Known Member
I’ve mixed up so much nutes I could probably just free pour it and get pretty close but I measure everything then test every litre I mix still cutting corners will only end up biting you on the ass in the long run
100%... Im man enough to admit i would get cocky in me earlier years doin the old gulp yeah thats right... But on the smaller stuff indoor esp i found out early that shit wont fly haha measure twice cut once....


Well-Known Member
lol if i dod sell it would only be one or to people id sell it for what its awways been here a gram for 20 dollers querter 90 half 190 oz 290
You would need more than a tent and a skill upgrade to SELL my man not being a cunt but supply and demand is a hefty trade ud need perpetual... And if you aint hooked up to do it ur gonna be stepping on toes you didnt even no had a foot sooner or later...


Well-Known Member
fair enough but i do know people tjat no people but tbh id rwther have a job n the mony i save from not gaving to buy weed go on a holiday or somshit imho no matter what level youre at top or bottem theres always gunna be some drama and some bulshitmto deal with an im not one for drama


Well-Known Member
Lol hurys to admit to my self im not up to it but rather admit it no rather then put my self in harms way lol id be more stupid then besides is rstherk towordsmhaving a good life not havin mony and dramas


Well-Known Member
2cnd flush put it from 3.6 to 2.4 i rekon one more flush n shell be right then im gunna flush tje other to then hopefully all i gotta do tjen is keep on top of it use rekon ill getaway without buy tjere sikica suplament if imcan get away with it i hope so