Aussie Growers Thread

For $135 shipped you can build a 220w light that's 180lm/w and will last 10+ years..

10 x $9 bridgelux EB series gen2 2' strips 3000k
1 x elg-240-c1050b $45

That's enough to flower a 4'x2' area for $135 best coverage and efficiency out there for almost the cheapest price out of any light..
What’s happening why are they dying? Sorry if I’ve missed something?
Don't know why there dying. Plants started doing this about 10 days ago. At least half my strains have it. Im hoping its only a deficiency of some kind that can be fixed.
Yeah I watered them with the trace mix and folar fed them with another trace mix. Yates and Searles. Plants are in different soils and different water sources s. Seems to be attacking certain strains rapidly. Some plants are sort of responding but others are just dying. I've changed ferts from powrrfeed to nitrosol. Heading back out tonight to hit them with another folar feed.
Yeah I watered them with the trace mix and folar fed them with another trace mix. Yates and Searles. Plants are in different soils and different water sources s. Seems to be attacking certain strains rapidly. Some plants are sort of responding but others are just dying. I've changed ferts from powrrfeed to nitrosol. Heading back out tonight to hit them with another folar feed.
The only thing that’s in common with all of them the Powerfeed ?
Try and cut all the sick growth from a couple and see how the new shoots look,I’d cut any tips that look like they are dead or close to it from all of them though otherwise as soon as it rains they will just mould
The only thing that’s in common with all of them the Powerfeed ?
Try and cut all the sick growth from a couple and see how the new shoots look,I’d cut any tips that look like they are dead or close to it from all of them though otherwise as soon as it rains they will just mould
Yeah only the powerfeed has a connection to all sick plants. Will cut off all sick growth tonight and see what happens.