Israel starts deporting African migrants


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Cash or custody: Israel kicks off deportation of African migrants

The fate of some 37,000 Africans in Israel is posing a moral dilemma for a state founded as haven for Jews from persecution and a national home. The right-wing government is under pressure from its nationalist voter base to expel the migrants, while others are calling for them to be taken in.

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said Israel's first obligation was to its own citizens, rather than the migrants.

"They are not numbers, they are people, they are human and I am full of compassion and mercy," Deri told Army Radio. "But the small state of Israel cannot contain such a vast number of illegal infiltrators."

The government says the migrants are "infiltrators" looking for work rather than asylum, but there is a growing liberal backlash against the plan, including from rabbis, a small group of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust and ordinary people who say Israel should show greater compassion to the migrants.

The first eviction notices were handed out on Sunday and job advertisements for immigration inspectors to implement the deportation plan have been posted on government websites.

Rights groups advocating on behalf of the migrants say many fled abuse and war and their expulsion, even to a different country in Africa, would endanger them further.

"I don't know what to do. Rwanda, Uganda are not my countries, what will a third country help me?" said Eritrean Berihu Ainom, after receiving an eviction notice on Sunday.

The deportation notices do not name the country migrants will be flown to but Netanyahu has said it will be a safe destination. Rights groups have named Uganda and Rwanda as possible host countries.
Israel is a pos nation that is a leech on the US.
These are our friends?
Maybe for Trump and Pence, but not me, or any other American that stands for basic human rights, which they have been depriving the Palestinians of for over 60 fucking years
BDS now, and fucking forever, until there is a free Palestine
israel sucks but palestine is a million times worse.
i think they should elect leaders who aren't terrorists who want to wipe all jews off the face of the earth. just one of those things i guess.
Maybe the Israelis should not elect leaders that continue to flaunt international law and norms by annexing land they have no legal claim too
Your telling me that Netanyahu is not a terrorist? He's a land grabbing racist pig that gives 2 shits about peace with the Palestinians (as long as the USA backs him)
I call bullshit, just like the majority of the world (USA excluded, of course)
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said Israel's first obligation was to its own citizens, rather than the migrants.

"They are not numbers, they are people, they are human and I am full of compassion and mercy," Deri told Army Radio. "But the small state of Israel cannot contain such a vast number of illegal infiltrators."

Nothing conveys the essence of compassion and mercy more than referring to migrants as "illegal infiltrators".
Republican Talking Point Checklist:

*False assumptions. Check
*Call Islamic people terrorists. Check
*Question the legitimacy of your enemy. Check

You've hit lvl 4 Republican.

New rank: Junior Ted Cruz
never even mentioned their religion. mentioned their elected government, which wants to wipe all jews off the face of the earth.
Palestinian leaders have not expressed a desire to "wipe Israel off the map" as a military threat or as a desire to commit genocide. It was a mistranslation of something Ahmadinejad (former Iranian PM) said regarding a desire to do away with the nation state. Sorry Buck, it's fake news.

their founding charter blames all jews (not just israel) for atrocities worse than hitler accused the jews of doing. brainwashing people into thinking jews started every single world war and are the reason for everything bad in your life is the paving stone for annihilation of all jews. then there are the many, many statements by hamas leaders calling for the destruction of all jews on earth.

we must learn from history so as to not repeat it.
never even mentioned their religion. mentioned their elected government, which wants to wipe all jews off the face of the earth.

"Drive the Jews from Palestine" is actually what they said, but good job hitting that mischaracterizing quota.

You're drunk dude, if you can't see your outright hypocrisy then you need to go to bed early and sober the fuck up.

"Drive the Jews from Palestine" is actually what they said, but good job hitting that mischaracterizing quota.

You're drunk dude, if you can't see your outright hypocrisy then you need to go to bed early and sober the fuck up.
keep defending palestine. the rhetoric in their founding charter is far worse than anything hitler had to say about the jews.