67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

I don't get your point. Could you please explain? Were you just saying Buck was wrong without a reason?

The reason was explained in a post above. He is trying to lead this to be a republican caused issue when that has nothing to do with the mass shootings. His point has nothing to do with the point of the assault rifles.

Well his point never leads to anything but hate.
It sucks because liberals need people with the type of passion buck has but we need them to not be racist and hateful themselves when addressing racism or even something they don't agree with.

The energy is there man direct it to a better place.
It sucks because liberals need people with the type of passion buck has but we need them to not be racist and hateful themselves when addressing racism or even something they don't agree with.

The energy is there man direct it to a better place.

Anyone going to far left or right is missing the big picture. It’s retarted to think there are only 2 sides to any discussion.
Anyone going to far left or right is missing the big picture. It’s retarted to think there are only 2 sides to any discussion.


there are only two sides to any discussion: facts and bullshit

the fact is that gun control works and its time we start implementing it, no matter how much it makes you cry like a little bitch
and back we are to your monumentally retarded "shooting yourself in the head with a gun is not gun violence" canard.

the states with the highest rates of gun violence are filled with redneck retard racist right wingers like you, princess rambo.

I have only voted Democrat you self important good ball.

Your argument was annulled by your statistics. Those states don’t have the mass shootings like you are implying.

Just more people who want to die near more guns.

And I still don’t own a gun. Not even a nail gun.

You are tiring and boring.

there are only two sides to any discussion: facts and bullshit

the fact is that gun control works and its time we start implementing it, no matter how much it makes you cry like a little bitch

I am not against gun control and have said so.

And you twist facts to support your bullshit.
OK, let's use UK for an example:


I'd sure like to have UK's problem with gun deaths. How did they manage that? Oh, wait.
Death by pint glass will be higher, we’re no pussies when it comes to homicide ya ken
The reason was explained in a post above. He is trying to lead this to be a republican caused issue when that has nothing to do with the mass shootings. His point has nothing to do with the point of the assault rifles.

Well his point never leads to anything but hate.
It is a republican caused issue. Other countries have very low gun homicide rates including very few mass shootings. Democrats are proposing gun controls which of course are going nowhere. Opposition to gun control is today a leading republican policy. They have stopped proposed limits to even keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
It is a republican caused issue. Other countries have very low gun homicide rates including very few mass shootings. Democrats are proposing gun controls which of course are going nowhere. Opposition to gun control is today a leading republican policy. They have stopped proposed limits to even keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

I am aware of the facts. I said it isn’t republicans causing the shootings. So his stats and point are negated.

And gun control the way you want will never happen in America. And even if it did. Did Marijuana control help any?

Regulations won’t make the lazy look the other way people that allow these things to happen do their jobs any better.

They also won’t stop a killer from acquiring a weapon. Killers don’t apply for the murder weapon.
I am aware of the facts. I said it isn’t republicans causing the shootings. So his stats and point are negated.

And gun control the way you want will never happen in America. And even if it did. Did Marijuana control help any?

Regulations won’t make the lazy look the other way people that allow these things to happen do their jobs any better.

They also won’t stop a killer from acquiring a weapon. Killers don’t apply for the murder weapon.
I point to plenty of other countries and say it sure as hell worked there. Are you claiming they are genetically superior to the people in the US?

Republicans control this issue and have for decades. Of course it's their fault.
I point to plenty of other countries and say it sure as hell worked there. Are you claiming they are genetically superior to the people in the US?

Republicans control this issue and have for decades. Of course it's their fault.

They had control already. Americans may not give up their guns. Do you want to try to take them?

In other countries it is not a basic constitutional right.

And everything politically motivated is the fault of both rediculous sides of our 2 party system.
image.jpeg Not saying I believe this but food for thought anyway.

Don't mistake me defending you or using you as an example as me liking you in any way lol...I don't like the way you talk to people at all.

Like I said the amount of energy and time you put into your beliefs is about your only good side, you fail to see that the hatred you breed is the exact thing the right wants to happen.
It sucks because liberals need people with the type of passion buck has but we need them to not be racist and hateful themselves when addressing racism or even something they don't agree with.

The energy is there man direct it to a better place.
That's right. Confront racists POLITELY. The following is a list that everybody, especially black people and Jews should follow in order to avoid disturbing white sensibilities:


Don’t Say “White”
I have no idea why, but white people hate it when anyone uses the phrase “white people,” because, for some reason, they consider it a pejorative.
Don’t Say “Black”
When protesting, you must not only refrain from lumping Caucasians together, but you must also be careful not to remind them of your blackness. Again, the word conjures the imagery of oppression and makes everything about race.
Be Inclusive
If there is one thing white people outer-city people hate, it’s being left out. If you watch the nation unite in empathy and mourning for the single Caucasian victim of white supremacy, while ignoring the fact that the same supremacists have terrorized people of color for more than a century; when you see Justine Damond’s death change the leadership of an entire police force while streets run red with black blood spilled by acquitted police officers, you still shouldn’t say, “Black lives matter.”
Be Invisible
White people The average American doesn’t mind protest ... as long as he or she can’t see it. You absolutely have the constitutional right to feel a little morose whenever your son, neighbor or fellow citizen is shot, choked, beaten or discriminated against—as long as you don’t obstruct the weekend Caucasian commute to the mall to purchase yoga pants.
Be Respectful
If you miraculously find a place to protest, find an inoffensive phrase and include people from all groups, you should still be mindful that there is a list of things that white people the overprivileged value more than your life, freedom, equality or happiness. Your civil disobedience must not offend or disparage any of the following: flags that represent America, flags that represent traitors to America, monuments, names of buildings, statues, stained-glass windows, cats, American flags, 150-year-old songs, freedom of speech (but only their freedom of speech, not yours), bathrooms, dogs, the children (not children, but “the children”), the Founding Fathers, first responders, blue lives, religious freedom (Christian only), traffic and troops.
Be Dead
One of the surest ways to engender respect from white people the unmelanated is to die. If you don’t feel like dying and have white-enough teeth, you can alternately outlive their vitriol and wait for them to embrace you.

After all, Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King never disturbed white pride or garnered negative backlash.