are you in such a bipolar manic episode that you forgot you said those things in the last couple days?
- Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing.
Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli).
I remember pretty much everything. You however black out after a while.
You are no longer a credible poster here. You will mostly talk to yourself and your socks from here on I suspect.
Try to remember. I posted to agree with a comment of yours last year. You have done this to me ever since. I don’t even know why. But I know you can’t stop.
You basically ask me to continue this immature crap. I told you I work alone at night and get very bored when my work is slow. So I read and post on forums while the house sleeps.
I have produced medical flowers working in my perpetual garden every day for the last almost 4 years. Ever since I saw Mrs. MMG’s health improving. I came here 2 years later to share my results.
You make me sorry I ever commented in politics. On the other hand I could never support the crybaby media driven stance the discussions tend to take anyway.
You even bleed into peaceful toke and talk and grow threads now to troll. It’s sad. I don’t need to concern myself with you anymore. I like bud porn. I don’t have to talk in politics. And it’s a shame for everyone else that you do.
I will expect your rude or slanderous comment in return. Unless you can stop.