Aussie Growers Thread

Rebels lol
not sure if it was the rebels but im pretty sure it was hes a wannabee gangster tbh i dont o fuck all bout that sort of shit but im over it not even gunna be able 2 buy ciggies plan is to pay the cunt and fuck him off but all i no is im paying ,y rent n shit if come up short to fuken bad for him
i understand what youre saying for me just being able 2 smoke some weed in tharvo slash night b4 bed id be happy with but being bored n shit i love being high n listning 2 music n shit but ye i dont think weed would work best for me 24 7 id be happy doing it b4 bed or somthing specielly once i get this job i wont be smoking b4 work or nothing
Everyone has their vices,it’s just a matter of being able to be straight with yourself about them and how much of a part they play in your life.
not sure if it was the rebels but im pretty sure it was hes a wannabee gangster tbh i dont o fuck all bout that sort of shit but im over it not even gunna be able 2 buy ciggies plan is to pay the cunt and fuck him off but all i no is im paying ,y rent n shit if come up short to fuken bad for him
Easy fix don’t live beyond your means and you will never have this issue
Im in the mid west and am wondering about doing some out doors out of season ... putting them out after vegging them for 3 weeks inside ... stays pretty warm here throughout and I dont think humidity will be a problem what do you guys think?
Im in the mid west and am wondering about doing some out doors out of season ... putting them out after vegging them for 3 weeks inside ... stays pretty warm here throughout and I dont think humidity will be a problem what do you guys think?
If you get enough sun it should be o.k .Might not harden right up that’s all
with my dealer he tninks hes hard n shit i was a nom for the rebels but according to my brother in law whos been around and been in a fuck ton of club houses told me straight hes being used and low and be hold hes not a noming any more lol but saying that im happy to fight the cunt winn or lose i just dont eant him running tjrue my house with other people sort of shit cuse then my older sister and my brother in law will get involved and no body wants that one ill get bashed 2 lol i dont wanna figjt my brow in law hes waaaaazy outta my leuge but ill be telling the cunt straight when i give him the money i owe that u said i could pay it off what ever i can afford so now all of a sudden u want it not only that i gave the cunt seeds hoping hed end up acuelly growng decent weed n doing it right
Anyone who brags about being a Nom or a probie must be a kid. No glory or bragging rights in that. Find an older dealer.

If you owe the dealer money and all of a sudden he needs the cash. Its a fair call for him to front you for it. You owe it.
im tempted 2 tbh iv got leaves n stems still from tje testers i just dont wanna smoke the pipe tobbacco as spin lol nah gotta be patoent i just wemt around a year i can waith another month and a half
Anyone who brags about being a Nom or a probie must be a kid. No glory or bragging rights in that. Find an older dealer.

If you owe the dealer money and all of a sudden he needs the cash. Its a fair call for him to front you for it. You owe it.
i can understand if he needs it thats fair enough but i explained i dont wanna be broke n have 2 fork over all my mo ey hes words pay what u can tjen all of asudden im in apossision i dident want to be in but idk ill be asking my mum how mutch i gotta give her next pay and tjen hoping on tje calculater n if im gunna be short witch i was last time i ended up giving him a ten pack cuse i felt bad tjat he wanted it and i ame up short with no notice but still im pretty sure he only wanted 2 get more weed with the money i pwed hopim hence him needing it i think he would of had a hard time selling tjat shit the wwed hes sold me that hes bought was okay im probly just gunna hit him up n let him no whats going on if im gunna be short or whatever i liked the convenience of it but im gunna go back 2 smoking the rosin i like tjat dude best be tho im gunna pay the dude n just not buy of him hate dramas
I had a blue with a “Nom” after he was big noting and making a real cunt of himself throwing around threats and shit,ended up braking his jaw,nose and 2 ribs next day had a visit from the sgt at arms from the club and he wanted to know what the go was long story short the guy never received a patch but he did receive another flogging lol
i can understand if he needs it thats fair enough but i explained i dont wanna be broke n have 2 fork over all my mo ey hes words pay what u can tjen all of asudden im in apossision i dident want to be in but idk ill be asking my mum how mutch i gotta give her next pay and tjen hoping on tje calculater n if im gunna be short witch i was last time i ended up giving him a ten pack cuse i felt bad tjat he wanted it and i ame up short with no notice but still im pretty sure he only wanted 2 get more weed with the money i pwed hopim hence him needing it i think he would of had a hard time selling tjat shit the wwed hes sold me that hes bought was okay im probly just gunna hit him up n let him no whats going on if im gunna be short or whatever i liked the convenience of it but im gunna go back 2 smoking the rosin i like tjat dude best be tho im gunna pay the dude n just not buy of him hate dramas
You don't get "pay", you get benefits. Sorry I hate it when people are on benefits and call it "pay"...

All ways be up front about money problems with people you owe money to. Its easier and everyone knows were they stand.
He is a dealer, he probably owes it to the person who he gets the gear of, sounds like he is a kid and he hasn't got much cash to buy up front..of cause the middle man/ grower isn't gunna give him the cream on would be the shit or fk off.
I had a blue with a “Nom” after he was big noting and making a real cunt of himself throwing around threats and shit,ended up braking his jaw,nose and 2 ribs next day had a visit from the sgt at arms from the club and he wanted to know what the go was long story short the guy never received a patch but he did receive another flogging lol
pretty sure if i remember ciporectly i dont think he was like bragginf abkut it i just no that he told me he was anom i asked my brother in law hes been around n shit he said and tese are his words hes being used cuse hes a shit cunt or somthing but hes younger than me was probly 21 when this happend i do no he dident get in and said like i didemt wanna do it trynna safe face
You don't get "pay", you get benefits. Sorry I hate it when people are on benefits and call it "pay"...

All ways be up front about money problems with people you owe money to. Its easier and everyone knows were they stand.
He is a dealer, he probably owes it to the person who he gets the gear of, sounds like he is a kid and he hasn't got much cash to buy up front..of cause the middle man/ grower isn't gunna give him the cream on would be the shit or fk off.
fair enough problems or not tho im sick of being treated like a shit cunt him owing money or not he said what he said plus when i came up short i gave him a 10 pack iv given him 2 ten packs since i owed him cuse i felt bad like he wants me to get seeds for him im putting my sepf at risk doing that wont be now tho like im sorry lipuke i got nothen but respect for ya but he shouod ov planed better if he was gunna let me pay him 150 at a time and still let me tick up that unheard of for me but i know 2 dealers tje otjer blokes weed i keept getting sick and this blokes weed fuken sucks but its my foult tho im dumb enough to keep putting myself in tjese situations iv only got my self to blame ill probly wait till 2 morro when iv calmed down may e if i go about it the right way it wont come 2 a fight i just wanna tell him it was shit withiut being a dick about it pluss the wwed he sells me tjat was bought most of it was all crubbked up like shake but it waiged up so idk i in a reall dick head of a mood n i need 2 pull jmyself out of it cuse 99 percent of this shit probly wouodent of happend if i made better choices only have my self 2 blame no point n fighint tje cunt cuse its not gunna sokve any thing vs me letting him noe i a little upset abput the times hes sold me mouldy weed idk ill probly not even say shit just pay him if im gunna be short ill tell him n tryna avoid drama and move on with my life