Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?

So you're well practiced at one handed typing. Don't jack off so much, it's bad for the prostate to abuse it.

Actually I just hold the phone a little lower so I can reach it from my sling.

The jacking off thing is a problem. I have my preferred arm immobilized.

Wait! Mrs. MMG said if I am nice......
You are trying too hard. If you put this much effort into a job maybe you wouldn't be such a loser that you'd be trolling forums you've already been banned from.

So you're a diver that just got off of va disability that recently kicked a booze addiction and you think others are unemployed.

Epic troll duder, LOL.
So who was your previous sock before the ban, angry gringo?
Who is projecting anger dude? By your own angry admission from earlier in your own thread you kicked a booze addiction then got off of va disability payments during your tenure here on this forum. And you're an able bodied diver. You volunteered all this personal info and are apparently sensitive about it since you won't address it.

Instead, you want to jerk off in socks.

El soldado americano que llama a todos los demás epic derp.
Who is projecting anger dude? By your own angry admission from earlier in your own thread you kicked a booze addiction then got off of va disability payments during your tenure here on this forum. And you're an able bodied diver. You volunteered all this personal info and are apparently sensitive about it since you won't address it.

Instead, you want to jerk off in socks.

El soldado americano que llama a todos los demás epic derp.
Member Since:
Ah, makes sense. It's very obvious. I would love to see the site traffic for the last 2 years. All cannabis forums should be down really because of so much legalization folks are surely just going to social media out in the open but this shit here has to have a negative impact.
are you a cop? Maybe a snitch? WTF? "cannabis forums should be down" Get out.

Is that you AG Sessions? Fuck off.
Who is projecting anger dude? By your own angry admission from earlier in your own thread you kicked a booze addiction then got off of va disability payments during your tenure here on this forum. And you're an able bodied diver. You volunteered all this personal info and are apparently sensitive about it since you won't address it.

Instead, you want to jerk off in socks.

El soldado americano que llama a todos los demás epic derp.
Cool Google Translate, gringo. How many warzones did you deploy to before you grew the courage to make sock puppets to angrily harass veterans with? How many purple hearts did you get in the infantry?

Do you have any idea how many divers are physically disabled? Relax, angry honky. It's a weed site.
Ah, makes sense. It's very obvious. I would love to see the site traffic for the last 2 years. All cannabis forums should be down really because of so much legalization folks are surely just going to social media out in the open but this shit here has to have a negative impact.

Many of the best growers have left. And so have some of the most entertaining members.