Hazeman Seeds

well, i never heard that version of the name difference. all i ever heard was the cut was stolen and then renames sour grapes. are you saying keyplay stole the cut and he's the one who originally renamed it ? GGG doesn't sell GS pure but u know that already lol. i know keyplay/swerve is dicey and as far as i know so is Riot. ijs do you think swerve and keyplay are the same person. that's the conclusion i came up with after some recon.

i've dealt with keyplay when he came on Opengrow and that's how i got the GGG gear. but i do know what they say on the label might not be exactly as stated. i guess most know by now GGG gear is hit and miss regardless of the hype that comes with his descriptions.

yes, hazeman has been around . i can't vouch for much else as i don't know him. i know that many folks who rub elbows with some of these guys see the facet of them they present. it doesn't mean they know the real dude as a real comrade at all though imho. ijs

before i forget. u spoke abut pudding. but i guess you never grew out hazeman's sour grapes or you would have said so. Also you told a different story on the name.
based on your stated version how do you explain or hazeman explain the use of the grape stomper cut. how did this come into Hazeman's hands if he had the so called sour grapes that you and supposedly he as well as riot say was the original name? it's got to be a reason he uses both names in his descriptions. so if you have his ear please ask him to explain this please. i certainly would like to here his explanation since he uses both names on purpose.

i will go to THC farmer to check on some hazeman grows. thx.

i appreciate your response though most def. more grains of salt to add to the 411 i have so far.:) thx.
No, I just got those packs a few weeks ago. I'm hoping to get some started in the next month. I just finished up some Bodhi gear and crossing a raspberry lemonade smelling Wookie/Hashplant x a SSDD male. Go listen to PotCast on Sound Cloud. Look for the episode with Matt Riot. He talks about the whole Sour Grapes thing and Keyplay from GGG.
No, I just got those packs a few weeks ago. I'm hoping to get some started in the next month. I just finished up some Bodhi gear and crossing a raspberry lemonade smelling Wookie/Hashplant x a SSDD male. Go listen to PotCast on Sound Cloud. Look for the episode with Matt Riot. He talks about the whole Sour Grapes thing and Keyplay from GGG.

thanks, haven't listened to that episode yet.
Sour Grapes and Grape Stomper hybrids. what kind of fuckery is this? GRAPE STOMPER is the original. Sour Grapes if it's legit is the exact same cut renamed. so how do you have the grape stomper cut and cross it with spur grapes if you already have the legit GS cut ?

then i see he names them JoJo sour grapes. well, JoJo rizzo never named it sour grapes.
swerve/keyplay = GGG didn't rename it either. so why is hazeman naming them that way.
this is some Marvin Gaye shit right here. " what's going on" ???

nobody here has shown anything finished and this thread was started last year in july. what's up with that. @greencropper

i also wonder why with all these big name crosses at cheap prices how come grow reports aren't coming out the woodwork in the community for hazeman's gear ? makes me wonder for real.
Grapes 13 and all four phenos have a grapes smell. I have the whole grow here on RIU, lol.

These are the 2 keepers, first one is a sweet subtle grape/berry smell, the 2nd is straight up grape soda. These girls were in a bad batch of tupur and so they're not as nice as the clones are going to be this next round.

I'm harvesting the grapes 13 this weekend and will test some buds when they're dry. As of now I'm pleased and I'm definitely going to run more hazeman gear without a doubt.
20180115_203506.jpg 20180123_163445.jpg
I remember reading on a forum that Hazeman got his grapestomper cut from GGG, I believe GGG got the aloha white widow from hazeman and the two worked on some aloha ww x grapestomper crosses or some bull jazz like that.

It has been years and I forgot which of the many forums I would have read it on, maybe thcfarmer?
mmmmm ive had a heap of others to grow out meantime but my Mikado are coming along well now, just threw approx 7 good males(best one chosen when more mature) out into isolation until girls get a bit fuller before mating begins...pics tomorrow morn, as far as those other issues regarding why others are not growing Hazemans stuff out i can imagine many get caught up in the latest trends with bigger name seedbanks going down ATM, yet everyone ive seen who has grown Hazemans gear previously has had good reports of their grows, im not up on the exact breeding history of Hazemans lines either? whether the gossip is true or not if a Hazeman strain presents the goods on the table at the end of a grow then thats good enough for me, eg KC Brains Mango...cheapest shit out there yet its being used in some new strains presented by some big banks...

first i hope that Mikado works out well for you. i hope my mikados germ when it's time. they are old now as many of my cultivars i had high hopes for are.

your absolutely correct many go after the latest and greatest and forget the older stuff.
frankly i like that because it makes it a bit more easier to grab the older stuff i like if it's still around :) ijs

ironically you mentioned KC brains. I HAVE HEARD GOOD AND BAD STUFF ABOUT HIS STRAINS FOR MANY YEARS. from what i recall many that carried it had old stock and got bad germ rates. some growers loved the nice ones they got while others thought they sucked.
that is why i passed on them and went after other gear that got better reviews. ijs

let those plants die if you need to to make good viable baby watermelon seeds. some won't do it for some reason but most will if you leave them on the mom long enough. that 6 week time table does work for certain strains. but imho i rather go by the seeds showing maturity than a time table to do so. just my .5 cents not much i know :)

i will mos def keep my eyes peeled for your updates on the mikado. how much experience do you have with it or is this your first go with mikado. federation flowering time says 45 days and hazeman says 56 days. that's of interest to me.

from thc farmer i saw this

now i see this tidbit of info for the first time associated with mikado
Jan 20, 2015 post #21

A lot of things Emery said didn't add up back then and still don't. Not saying he was lying but he was a salesman. Breeder Steve worked with/for Federation before parting ways and forming SOL. When asked about Mikado he said this, " Mikado= Sweet Tooth". I've seen similarities but 2 distinct flavors have me scratching my head on that theory.

Jan 21, 2015 post #24

SAPPPremium MemberSupporter
Mota is right it is Sweet tooth or a remake of, i believe Breeder Steve was a little pissed about this. (that was my initial guess lol)

what about this singe leaf pheno of Mikado ? do you know anything about that?
i heard of it before but totally forgot util reading that thread. i never did get any real info concerning it though. when i heard of that i don't even think i had mikado then in the vault.
first i hope that Mikado works out well for you. i hope my mikados germ when it's time. they are old now as many of my cultivars i had high hopes for are.

your absolutely correct many go after the latest and greatest and forget the older stuff.
frankly i like that because it makes it a bit more easier to grab the older stuff i like if it's still around :) ijs

ironically you mentioned KC brains. I HAVE HEARD GOOD AND BAD STUFF ABOUT HIS STRAINS FOR MANY YEARS. from what i recall many that carried it had old stock and got bad germ rates. some growers loved the nice ones they got while others thought they sucked.
that is why i passed on them and went after other gear that got better reviews. ijs

let those plants die if you need to to make good viable baby watermelon seeds. some won't do it for some reason but most will if you leave them on the mom long enough. that 6 week time table does work for certain strains. but imho i rather go by the seeds showing maturity than a time table to do so. just my .5 cents not much i know :)

i will mos def keep my eyes peeled for your updates on the mikado. how much experience do you have with it or is this your first go with mikado. federation flowering time says 45 days and hazeman says 56 days. that's of interest to me.

from thc farmer i saw this

now i see this tidbit of info for the first time associated with mikado
Jan 20, 2015 post #21

A lot of things Emery said didn't add up back then and still don't. Not saying he was lying but he was a salesman. Breeder Steve worked with/for Federation before parting ways and forming SOL. When asked about Mikado he said this, " Mikado= Sweet Tooth". I've seen similarities but 2 distinct flavors have me scratching my head on that theory.

Jan 21, 2015 post #24

SAPPPremium MemberSupporter
Mota is right it is Sweet tooth or a remake of, i believe Breeder Steve was a little pissed about this. (that was my initial guess lol)

what about this singe leaf pheno of Mikado ? do you know anything about that?
i heard of it before but totally forgot util reading that thread. i never did get any real info concerning it though. when i heard of that i don't even think i had mikado then in the vault.
i had Fedration's Mikado approx 14yrs ago & used it in a pollen chuck back then, was good offspring, im happy if the Mikado does have Sweet tooth in it cos i liked the #3 version especially back in that era too, but truthfully i know very little as to the fine details of Hazemans Mikado, just a few peeps in the know have highly recommended it for my desire of an early finishing heavy yielder with good potency, i will post the results here right to the finish, though the best females will be seeded up with other strain types pollen
Grapes 13 and all four phenos have a grapes smell. I have the whole grow here on RIU, lol.

These are the 2 keepers, first one is a sweet subtle grape/berry smell, the 2nd is straight up grape soda. These girls were in a bad batch of tupur and so they're not as nice as the clones are going to be this next round.

I'm harvesting the grapes 13 this weekend and will test some buds when they're dry. As of now I'm pleased and I'm definitely going to run more hazeman gear without a doubt.
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Looks fire. I have a pack. I’ll pop them first from hazeman..I asked hazeman what his g13bx was and he said g13bx. Lol. No shit, what did you cross g13 with? He wouldn’t answer. I think he slightly misleads on genetics. As long as it’s stable and fire I don’t care. Not sure why he misleads on names so much? Not smart in the long run.
Looks fire. I have a pack. I’ll pop them first from hazeman..I asked hazeman what his g13bx was and he said g13bx. Lol. No shit, what did you cross g13 with? He wouldn’t answer. I think he slightly misleads on genetics. As long as it’s stable and fire I don’t care. Not sure why he misleads on names so much? Not smart in the long run.
Yeah, I didn't really care about the hash plant side at all honestly, just wanted a grapestomper cross and came across the grapes 13. I assumed the hash plant might have been the G13 cross with some other hashplant to get males. I could have sworn I remember reading more about it but if you talked to the man and he iced you out then I'm not sure.

I have noticed he is not very active with his IG account and I never hear shit about him or his strains, that's why I posted up the grapes 13. I gotta figure this is why more people aren't growing his shits.
So, here's a thread on icrag on mikado https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=270071

because of it i do recall the story on mikado being a remake attempt at the SPG. but to me dynamite might be the closer remake. I DO HAVE DYNAMITE SEEDS for that reason. and i ran the pukeberry clone remake attempt at SPG. i loved the pukeberry so much and wish i could get her again. i had huge plans for her but it never happened as an unexpected shut down fucked up everything so far as my project plans.

So, one thing bothers me on the hazeman seed descriptions and i sure as hell want to know the answer before i buy seeds i don't need. hazeman will list an elite cut and then breed it to itself and say he used a male. but the seeds are not fems but regular instead. wtf has anybody noticed that and if so what did you think about it ?

as far as i know it's not even possible. u can have regular photoperiod 12/12 seed, u can have S1 seeds which will usually be female but can be male, you can have fem's using reversed pollen or fem's using stress to make them as well as fems that come from a female allowed to go extra long past normal flower time and she then throws nanners as a survival response.
but you can not get regular seed from using a clone only elite bred to itself soley.

this is an even more extreme example of confusion. Genetics: LA Pure Kush cut x LAPK clone. cut and clone are the same. why is he listing it like it's different. wtf is going on?
does hazeman have a thread to explain his crosses and their background cause it smells funny.

that 5K OG ggg/keyplay had too. not sure who had the aloha ww first between hazeman and them though. anybody know?

p.s when u see caps it's because i can't type worth shit and no longer retype stuff 2/3 times to avoid the caps.
So, here's a thread on icrag on mikado https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=270071

because of it i do recall the story on mikado being a remake attempt at the SPG. but to me dynamite might be the closer remake. I DO HAVE DYNAMITE SEEDS for that reason. and i ran the pukeberry clone remake attempt at SPG. i loved the pukeberry so much and wish i could get her again. i had huge plans for her but it never happened as an unexpected shut down fucked up everything so far as my project plans.

So, one thing bothers me on the hazeman seed descriptions and i sure as hell want to know the answer before i buy seeds i don't need. hazeman will list an elite cut and then breed it to itself and say he used a male. but the seeds are not fems but regular instead. wtf has anybody noticed that and if so what did you think about it ?

as far as i know it's not even possible. u can have regular photoperiod 12/12 seed, u can have S1 seeds which will usually be female but can be male, you can have fem's using reversed pollen or fem's using stress to make them as well as fems that come from a female allowed to go extra long past normal flower time and she then throws nanners as a survival response.
but you can not get regular seed from using a clone only elite bred to itself soley.

this is an even more extreme example of confusion. Genetics: LA Pure Kush cut x LAPK clone. cut and clone are the same. why is he listing it like it's different. wtf is going on?
does hazeman have a thread to explain his crosses and their background cause it smells funny.

that 5K OG ggg/keyplay had too. not sure who had the aloha ww first between hazeman and them though. anybody know?

p.s when u see caps it's because i can't type worth shit and no longer retype stuff 2/3 times to avoid the caps.
jeeeez man...there seems to be a tangled web no matter which way a person looks at a lot of the strains about, personally i dont care whether a type had to pass through 5 civets and be chosen by the oracle of delphi...if the shit is fire then its fire...KC Brains Gear or Aficionado...whatever if its good its good!
Isn't that standard practice for every breeder trying to reproduce a clone in seed form?
Find a good male stud for the first out-cross,
grow out the progeny, choose the best male/s and cross back to the mother/clone.

Standard practice is to label it as a backcross, and make it clear what male was used initially and how many backcross generations it had undergone. Not pretend like you magically got pure reg seeds from a clone-only. Clarity about genetics actually matters. Fire or not, people should know exactly what they’re getting. Even an S1 should be labeled as such.

There’s other weird shit about Hazeman too. He sells 88g13HP when it was explicitly given out with instructions not to sell the pure line for profit. Same thing with Molokai Frost. I asked him about the Stardawg IX F2s and Underdawg D F2s he used to have available. He told me he doesn’t sell crosses made by other breeders, but I know he at least used to. Also, his Pine Tar Kush is apparently not PTK. This is according to Nspecta, the guy doing a huge Pine Tar Kush preservation project that probably has the majority of PTK seeds left in the world. According to him it’s Xmas Bud, which is still a rare and valuable strain, but it should be labeled appropriately.

I’m sure that Hazeman has some really good stuff. But I have a tough time completely trusting the genetics behind it all.
Isn't that standard practice for every breeder trying to reproduce a clone in seed form?
Find a good male stud for the first out-cross,
grow out the progeny, choose the best male/s and cross back to the mother/clone.

as jayblaze710 made clear it's not what your goals are it's what you tell the folks on how it was done that matters to many of us. especially when some of what you post in a strain description for seeds can not be done as a seller says it is.

what always irks me is how some folks can just ignore the obvious that sticks out like a skunk with a his glands stuck on spray lol. So, many folks don;t even stop to think and just give anyone and everyone a pass that many times don't deserve one.
legit breeders who are open and transparent will get the nod before a seller/breeder who is not making business sinse of their own gear that they have control over what they say about it or not.

it's more than a few breeders who were outed as not being those types who actually comb through hella plants/phenos to make better selections. these fuckers were in a closet/tent set ups not much different from any hobby grower or pollen chucker. Yet, until it was made known they they were hacks instead of real breeders as they pretended to be; they had thousands of loyal customers/fans that trusted them as if they new these folks personally. they were all wrong. ijs

i don't even need to buy freaking seeds but i'll be damned if i didn't want to still lol.
i looked at the hazeman lineup again and chose a couple of winners in my book that might be awesome.
yet, as of right now i don;t fucking trust dude based on how he puts up his strain descriptions.
I'm not buying a pack of iffy just so i can see if it's real Jiffy. I rather have confidence before i lay down my coin that seems to be far ore scarce for me then most all of the folks i have ever been on any board with.

i don't get how just because you have deep pockets/expendable cash you'll just say fuck it and by some IFFY stuff from whomever. especially these newer folks who are largely unknown and unproven breeders and yet they come out the gate asking $100 -$250 for a 10/12 pack. because they say they used an elite clone in their offering. all of us who pay for those seeds like that are encouraging more of this type of seller/breeder who is no more than a pollen chucker. just like the fake dog breeders. letting their dogs fuck is not breeding. breeding takes planning, time and effort and even then it just might not work out. but a breeder does all that to try to reach their goals. if they are successful they get a good reputation to enjoy provided there is proof in their gear.

when my poor ass buys beans i'm making a sacrifice if i spend 80$, which btw i have not done so far lol. when i see the new folks and check out what they have the 1st thing i do is look at their lower price and avg. price. if there gear is $100 and up i just close that fucking tab asap. real simple and i have no regrets either. If i wasn't going to spend all that $$ on DJ Shorts gear before he lost his mothers why the fuck would i pay for these wannabe upstarts.

and let me sling this for fun. i found 2 seeds of GG#1 in 2 SEPARATE tiny ass rock hard nugs.
i jumped for joy when i saw the 1st seed. then the next day i found the 2nd. and looked and ill be damn if they weren't baby watermelons too. snarf snarf :):clap:
I said that to say this. does that mean i should use those seeds and because the GG#1 is a legit cultivar i should start charging folks 150$ for a 10 pack when i knock it up or fem it. I DON'T THINK THAT'S COOL and i don't care if rich kids/folks can afford it. what about all the other folks. so, hazeman seeds and some others prices aren't bad at all. but either you know what you are getting or your guessing. You buy the shit and test it and then i might pull the trigger if i see others like you grow the same out in the same times spam of 1-5 yrs. your mileage may vary:bigjoint:
There’s other weird shit about Hazeman too. He sells 88g13HP when it was explicitly given out with instructions not to sell the pure line for profit. Same thing with Molokai Frost. I asked him about the Stardawg IX F2s and Underdawg D F2s he used to have available. He told me he doesn’t sell crosses made by other breeders, but I know he at least used to. Also, his Pine Tar Kush is apparently not PTK. This is according to Nspecta, the guy doing a huge Pine Tar Kush preservation project that probably has the majority of PTK seeds left in the world. According to him it’s Xmas Bud, which is still a rare and valuable strain, but it should be labeled appropriately.

I’m sure that Hazeman has some really good stuff. But I have a tough time completely trusting the genetics behind it all.

Hazeman is releasing 88g13/hp at $40 a pack, that's close enough to free for me! Also if you want to get technical Hazeman had no deal with ndnguy, that was Mota's deal. Hazeman just made the seeds Mota gave him. So technically when Hazeman went solo with Infinity Genetics he was free to sell the strain. Also look around, out of those original guys that were gifted 88G13/hp, who's been giving them away the last 7-8 years? Not a single one of them. Bodhi is putting out crosses with everything under the sun at $70 a pack. That's fine and all, I have nothing but respect for Bohdi but if not for Hazeman many of us would not have the pure 88g13/hp. So I'm thankful he does what he does.

As far as his PTK, well of course Nspecta is trying to say that, he has an agenda, he's trying to work on the line himself. Hazeman has been around way longer than Nspecta and sells his gear at amazing prices so again, take what you want from that.

As far as Stardawg IX, I have never seen that for sale. I was gifted a freebie pack when buying another pack though. Thankful for that as well.

Here is a quote about Hazeman by Shoes back in 2011.
Man, i've known Mota for years, Hazeman not as long, though he's known Mota longer than me. I can personally attest to their honesty and integrity, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the breeding game.

Sorry, but i really had to put my 2 cents in and clear up this huge misunderstanding.

i had Fedration's Mikado approx 14yrs ago & used it in a pollen chuck back then, was good offspring, im happy if the Mikado does have Sweet tooth in it cos i liked the #3 version especially back in that era too, but truthfully i know very little as to the fine details of Hazemans Mikado, just a few peeps in the know have highly recommended it for my desire of an early finishing heavy yielder with good potency, i will post the results here right to the finish, though the best females will be seeded up with other strain types pollen

You need to order Grapefruit x BB by Chimera. A wide open F1 110% legitimate Sweet Tooth. The only difference is Chimera's BB selection and if I were to trust anyone with selections it would be him.
well, lets me say i have some PTK mos def pure and crossed. now will they pop lol is the question. i did have a comrade in israel use PTK to knock up an Orange Hill mom & the other
was Kings Bread. only have a couple beans of those left and they need to be grow out.
oh yeah, like most of my stock does lol. PTK was scheduled for a seed run. didn't happen though.

i do have deep chunk x PTK AND MAYE 6/7 other deep chunk crosses and one pack of pure deep chunk with lighter seeds