best nutrients to use in hydro

Im still learning its nuances

But the highest i took them was 1180 ppm
Which was
2gr 4-20
2 gr cal N
1.8 gr mag sul per gal.
This was a bit hot it didnt burn them but they did not drop the ppm just sat there lol

So now in week five of bloom

I gave
1.5 gr 420
1.5 gr cal N
1.25gr mag sul
And .5 gr mpk per gallon
Came out to like 1080 (my water is 180 start ppm) so 900 ppm

No tip burn or curling
So next week im going to bump them
Up to 1gr per gallon of mpk

If they like that i might bump em one last time before i taper off cause I think i got a 12 weeker lol
Even more true of aeroponics, as I understand it. The high pressure aero cats claim they run 1/2 the nutes of other methods.
You know a few years ago I thought about it.

But the maintenance from runnin a low pressure aero setup taught me better ;)

I hate clogged sprayers lol but i love aero cloners

And i try to make my set ups somewhat fails safe which i didnt think hp aero would be
So i chose rdwc cause i figured if all my pumps died they woyld still be in water and would not die :)

But now im going to do another system build lol
To do a side by side with my rdwc and a meniscus nft hybrid
To see if it can be as productive as rdwc :)
With no fangled pumps and uniseals and all the other bull shit that comes with rdwc lol

I love rdwc but i dont see ANY major farms doing this lol there must be reasons :)
Well the first thing I guess I got to do if I was smart about it is to start where i'll end up and get some jacks 321, chem-grow, megacrop, master blend, oasis hydro and mix them all up and see what happens. I'll call it the "mystery nutrient" but when you say it you have to use "air quotes". It'll go good with my "mystery tea" which is my compost tea fixins/soil topper.
You know a few years ago I thought about it.

But the maintenance from runnin a low pressure aero setup taught me better ;)

I hate clogged sprayers lol but i love aero cloners

And i try to make my set ups somewhat fails safe which i didnt think hp aero would be
So i chose rdwc cause i figured if all my pumps died they woyld still be in water and would not die :)

But now im going to do another system build lol
To do a side by side with my rdwc and a meniscus nft hybrid
To see if it can be as productive as rdwc :)
With no fangled pumps and uniseals and all the other bull shit that comes with rdwc lol

I love rdwc but i dont see ANY major farms doing this lol there must be reasons :)
Most major commercial operations here in Colorado use Coco DTW and then throw the substrate away every run.

They do it because of environmental regulations prohibiting them from putting spent nutes down the drain. I guess filling up landfills is better?
Well the first thing I guess I got to do if I was smart about it is to start where i'll end up and get some jacks 321, chem-grow, megacrop, master blend, oasis hydro and mix them all up and see what happens. I'll call it the "mystery nutrient" but when you say it you have to use "air quotes". It'll go good with my "mystery tea" which is my compost tea fixins/soil topper.

You'll earn your handle, 'Bernie'
Most major commercial operations here in Colorado use Coco DTW and then throw the substrate away every run.

They do it because of environmental regulations prohibiting them from putting spent nutes down the drain. I guess filling up landfills is better?
Ha ha thats a shame

But i would pilfer the coco landfil if i lived there haha

I know an old grower with a few dump loads of promix before i converted him to hydro lol

I still go and get a truck load every summer for the veggies :)
Well the first thing I guess I got to do if I was smart about it is to start where i'll end up and get some jacks 321, chem-grow, megacrop, master blend, oasis hydro and mix them all up and see what happens. I'll call it the "mystery nutrient" but when you say it you have to use "air quotes". It'll go good with my "mystery tea" which is my compost tea fixins/soil topper.
Wooaa dont do that ;)
Pick one ,any of the ones you listed should work fine

I was down to hydro gardens, mega crop and veg +bloom

I chose chem gro 4-20 because i have used brown nutes for 10 years or so and i wanted bone white roots again lol

Chem gro is almost clear :) if you are in a media it doesnt matter cause you wont see it

You'll earn your handle, 'Bernie'

What if I fed going by a ppm meter ... no burn

Wooaa dont do that ;)
Pick one ,any of the ones you listed should work fine

I was down to hydro gardens, mega crop and veg +bloom

I chose chem gro 4-20 because i have used brown nutes for 10 years or so and i wanted bone white roots again lol

Chem gro is almost clear :) if you are in a media it doesnt matter cause you wont see it

I picked chem-grow 4/20/39 cuz it was the first one mentioned and it has 4/20 in it. It should be on order if my ordering dept. got it done last night.


So does the chem-gro have the kelp, b vitamins, amino acids and silica like the mega crop says it does??? Those are all things I like to use... been using, going to want to keep using???

so if I mix the the two and i'll get a chem-gro megacrop 13.7/30.5/53 add the calcium nitrate then it'll be a 29.2/30.5/53 use my ppm meter to regulate how much its getting feed and I dont have to buy anything else. Sounds legit to me, whats the down side? I've done dumber things and I do like to play scientist.
Its like taking to many vitamins.

Youll pee out what you don't use, and the 1s that are stored in the plant/body will eventually build up, poison it.

More isn't always better. The main things, ( ONLY THINGs ) that matter is Bioavailability, and Correct Chemical Ratios.

The correct Ratio for weed is 9.5 x 20 x 39. No More, No Less. I'm sure these is small variation, and Chem Gro even says some strains may benefit from more Iron, and Magnesium.

But to add anything else is both overkill, unnecessary, and potentially harmful.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I wouldn't be giving it more just mixing the two and using that just like if I only bought one product. If there both similar and one has kelp silica amino acid and b vitamins i dont see the downside even if it would be diluted in the product mix at least I'll have a little bit of those things in the solution working for me when I do a water change. Less is more and more isnt always better.

I wouldnt have to buy anything else I use kelp for the roots in veg, b vitamins before flip. amino to help with calcium uptake and silica for strong stems/plant cells.

The thing that is getting me on this is the amino acid and not having to buy any in a bottle anymore, plus the other things i guess. I dont really use b vitamins much but the kelp, amino acid and silica I do.

I probably wont do this at first cuz i guess it seems like i'll be able to get it done with just the chem-gro, but I might later. IDK. Dont I need kelp, silica, b vitamins and amino acid in my grow.

anything else in the chem-gro they cant advertise I need to know about??

In my simple non-scientific mind tells me this is possible. Im just hell of tired of spending money on liquid nutrients and then there is the plastic waste and getting rid of empty containers all the time etc. etc. Tired of all of it i want to be scoop scoop check check done.
Its like taking to many vitamins.

Youll pee out what you don't use, and the 1s that are stored in the plant/body will eventually build up, poison it.

More isn't always better. The main things, ( ONLY THINGs ) that matter is Bioavailability, and Correct Chemical Ratios.

The correct Ratio for weed is 9.5 x 20 x 39. No More, No Less. I'm sure these is small variation, and Chem Gro even says some strains may benefit from more Iron, and Magnesium.

But to add anything else is both overkill, unnecessary, and potentially harmful.
So the extras in megacrop are overkill? I’ve been following the reviews and it seems to be doing well for all that are using it. I really do think the L amino that I added separate has really helped with blotching due to water chemistry but it’s all ancedotal, although the blotching went away
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Best NOT to mix 2 nutrients unless your a chemistry wizz ;)

Your starting to sound a little silly with the whole find a new formula by mixing others lol

I like kelp and other things too and after i get the nutrients dialed in i intend on blending some stuff together with the chem gro.

But they will be individual elements. And nothing that will fuck with the chem grow lol

If you wanted all that stuff to begin with you should have chosen mega crop.

Because nutes with bio stimulants will behave a certain way and be taken up by the plant differently then a full synthetic does.

Just all in all a bad idea.

But i have done it too, so im talking from experience budd as i like to experiment my self.
If you want to add all that stuff to the chem gro you should buy yhe individual shit from kelp 4 less

Then try to mix mega crop with the chem gro.

Remember if im correct mega crop is just a dry reverse engineered avanced nutrients :)

I used advanced for years and i wanted something different .

Also it sounds like the RAW nute lines is right up your alley as well :)
Its like taking to many vitamins.

Youll pee out what you don't use, and the 1s that are stored in the plant/body will eventually build up, poison it.

More isn't always better. The main things, ( ONLY THINGs ) that matter is Bioavailability, and Correct Chemical Ratios.

The correct Ratio for weed is 9.5 x 20 x 39. No More, No Less. I'm sure these is small variation, and Chem Gro even says some strains may benefit from more Iron, and Magnesium.

But to add anything else is both overkill, unnecessary, and potentially harmful.
Agreed to a point because after i learn the chem gro better i also intended to blend some bio stimulants into it

Just not a whole nutrient line lol