Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
Sorry I missed your call to arms. I was on family business.

Had to meet my step daughter's new rooter for the first time.
We, it was a double date, went to dinner at a popular nightclub featuring live music.

Within 1 hour, I learned more about the guy than I needed to
know on our first date.

I now know what toy's he owns, how big they are, what they
cost, how much horsepower they have and what lake they are parked on.
I also know the meds he takes for his health issues too.

I know that he has a close relationship with a friend that sends/texts him
unsolicited nudes and hard core porn. I also now know that he approves of anal sex.
This part I know because he received such text messages during dinner and was
gracious enough to share them with us at the table just before our meals were served.

I know that he likes top shelf liquor and can drink like a fish, matching her 1 for 1,
which at times during the evening she had drinks lined up 3 deep sitting in front of her.

I know more about this guy now than I know about her past infatuations, some of whom
I've known for years.

smh, sigh. Seems on par with her previous choices in suitors.

I'm not judging him, I have my own peccadilloes, just reporting the events of the evening.o_O


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, in Sunny Belgium, it has been announced that a new, Islamist, political party is to contest several upcoming local elections, aims include making Belgium an Islamist state under "their" form of Sharia.

You can already guess how this one's going off, and I don't think there's enough beer and popcorn in the world for what's about to kick off over this one because Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming...
Are you in Belgium? At least our President Puigdemont isn't hiding under political cover over there anymore. It's all one big joke .


Well-Known Member
That’s what I thought. Gonna be a good day8-)
Aren't you going to get slammed with bad weather today.

On a side note, I have a customer that lives in Jacksonville or St Augustine and is driving up to see me with a big check for some remodeling and a list of more stuff she wants to do.

Plus I have a lot of sawmilling to do, cedar, pine, and fur.

I've started building a out building and should complete soon.

Damn life is busy ........

@lokie please stop picking on my spelling ........trap/tarp are very close for a dude that was drinking all afternoon and had sex on the brain lol.


Well-Known Member
Aren't you going to get slammed with bad weather today.

On a side note, I have a customer that lives in Jacksonville or St Augustine and is driving up to see me with a big check for some remodeling and a list of more stuff she wants to do.

Plus I have a lot of sawmilling to do, cedar, pine, and fur.

I've started building a out building and should complete soon.

Damn life is busy ........

@lokie please stop picking on my spelling ........trap/tarp are very close for a dude that was drinking all afternoon and had sex on the brain lol.
Yeah man, the weather is on it’s way. They say, high winds possible tornados. That just means I don’t need an excuse not to leave the house :eyesmoke: just reading what you got going on today has made me tired. Lol. No rain for you?


Well-Known Member
Aren't you going to get slammed with bad weather today.

On a side note, I have a customer that lives in Jacksonville or St Augustine and is driving up to see me with a big check for some remodeling and a list of more stuff she wants to do.

Plus I have a lot of sawmilling to do, cedar, pine, and fur.

I've started building a out building and should complete soon.

Damn life is busy ........

@lokie please stop picking on my spelling ........trap/tarp are very close for a dude that was drinking all afternoon and had sex on the brain lol.
Sorry I miss read that man.

It made perfect sense to me.
Taking a trap into the woods while hunting the beast with 2 backs
makes perfect sense. ;)
And a tarp would be handy too.8)

As for spelling, sober or intoxicated, mine is sub par.
I used to ditch spelling class in grade school to attend music class.
Now I still can't carry a tune in a bucket or spell worth a chit.:Po_O
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Well-Known Member
Tarps are also useful for stopping blood getting on the carpet when people get really annoying.
Tiled floors, carpets attract dust and the tiles are much easier to wash off. "Got cats, leave hair and dust and christ knows what else everywhere, floors always scrubbed clean because of them, Officer".

Well, if anyone is interested, F1 quali was "interesting" with Vettel stealing pole from Kimi, then Bottas, Hamilton, Ricciardo then GASLY in the STR-Honda. But Hamilton gets a 5 place grid penalty for changing his gearbox, so Gasly, who has only done a few F1 races, with a Honda starts in 5th ahead of Hamilton (9th) whilst dealing with "parent" team ahead and "ex-team member now with old engine supplier" behind him and a mad Hamilton bearing down. If he gets his start right, turn one could get "rather personal" but at least he shouldn't have to worry about Verstappen going all Kamikaze on him for a while...