is religion merely an unproven theory, in particular the christian faith

Faith based beliefs are, by their very nature, unproven and unprovable.
just a thought here...But has anyone actually followed the basic steps? when jesus said follow me, wouldn't that mean every step of the way? If he turned right the follower would also have to turn right, or he would be on the wrong path.So before he actually began his preaching he went into the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted. Anyway I would think that a person would have to do that very same thing even before they open their mouth about their belief.
I think many folks follow the religious belief system because it was taught to them at an early age. There is plenty of people making tons of profit from the worship of "Gods" from pastors -authors of these so called 'holy" books.
theories are based on science and fact, religion is the complete opposite of science and fact, therefore not a theory, just some hocus pocus passed down through the years
I honestly buy into the whole accidentally ingesting hallucinogens started it all and what people learned was good, then people did what people do.
They got high and started fucking.
Then they got greedy
"Theory" in the way that you're using, typically means "explanation based on the best available evidence".

If there was evidence to support religion, faith would not be a requirement.
"explanation based on the best available evidence"...would obviously not be the people professing the belief, because they show no evidence. So would not the best available evidence be the bible it self...
it seems to me the faith that people claim is not the same faith that the bible speaks of, their faith is empty and shows no evidence which would prove they didn't do their homework [follow jesus to the t.] that is IF the bible were a fact...Now would these same people accomplish anything if they were scientist? also does not science it self require faith?
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
"Theory" in the way that you're using, typically means "explanation based on the best available evidence".

If there was evidence to support religion, faith would not be a requirement.
It is even worse, they actually think there is “evidence”. Not something just religious folks do though, it’s quite common among cannabis growers as well, accepting wishful thinking or marketing or simplistic (mis)perceptions or something they read as evidence.

I really don't think anyone has tried to prove least in the last 100 years.
But you do think 101 years and longer ago anyone tried to prove christianity? o_O