is religion merely an unproven theory, in particular the christian faith

Sounds like what I just posted. You can hope like a motherfucker, but you ain't gonna ever see jack shit
Ok, scientifically explain this bible verse...
That’s like asking someone to translate french into english using a spanish dictionary...

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
When you jump you hope you don’t float into space because you have faith in gravity. While you can’t see gravity itself, you can observe its work. Same with Jesus and God.

That’s like asking someone to translate french into english using a spanish dictionary...

When you jump you hope you don’t float into space because you have faith in gravity. While you can’t see gravity itself, you can observe its work. Same with Jesus and God.

nobody that jumps is hoping that they don't float into space, it doesn't even cross their mind...But this is how I see this verse
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen... [here is my example] I have before me a empty bowl, my hope is that the bowl will be filled with some white widow... now my bowl is filled with white widow [the actual substance that I hope for]... the evidence of things not seen ...So as I see it, real faith would have substance and evidence... so the bowl filled with white widow would be proof of faith
nobody that jumps is hoping that they don't float into space, it doesn't even cross their mind...
Really? Have you ever tried to scientifically prove that statement? Ironically it is religious folks who have such a lack of imagination. Try some good haze instead of stupifying white widow.

my hope is that the bowl will be filled with some white widow... now my bowl is filled with white widow [the actual substance that I hope for]... the evidence of things not seen ...
If your bowl is filled with white widow you see the white widow and there is thus no evidence of the things not seen. Same with Jesus. If you hope for Jesus to return and Jesus suddenly appears, then it’s not the son of a god but some Mexican. No, your bible verse interpretation is besides nonsensical just wrong. It is merely meant to mutate the word evidence so the rest becomes easier to swallow for the non-scientific minded.

And... that’s the archaic King James version you quote, popular in the US, based on translations of one of the most brilliant dutch ever, Erasmus, a word wizard. The Dutch and English language too is filled with expressions introduced by Erasmus, which if taken litterally would be silly.

Not only is the original translation wrong, it is not to be taken literal either, other, technically better, versions/translations of the bible use “assurance” or better “conviction” instead of “evidence”. Suggesting faith = evidence excludes you from having a sensible thought, action or discussion and participate in a useful manner. Not something only religious folks do though. America is infected with anti-intellectualism by evangelical protestants who were too dumb for europe. Proof of that you can find easily in the politics and led forums where faith=evidence too.

Instead of wasting time on the bible, read this non-fiction book and save thyself from the path to idiocracy:
the thing about faith, is it doesn't need proof. that's a dangerous thing. you convince the general populace of something strongly enough, and it will unthinkingly follow it's faith...and the leaders of that faith. no matter that those leaders are usually not rational, reasonable people with the best of intentions, their followers have already voluntarily blinded themselves, because their leaders can obviously see things that they can't
Really? Have you ever tried to scientifically prove that statement? Ironically it is religious folks who have such a lack of imagination. Try some good haze instead of stupifying white widow.

If your bowl is filled with white widow you see the white widow and there is thus no evidence of the things not seen. Same with Jesus. If you hope for Jesus to return and Jesus suddenly appears, then it’s not the son of a god but some Mexican. No, your bible verse interpretation is besides nonsensical just wrong. It is merely meant to mutate the word evidence so the rest becomes easier to swallow for the non-scientific minded.

And... that’s the archaic King James version you quote, popular in the US, based on translations of one of the most brilliant dutch ever, Erasmus, a word wizard. The Dutch and English language too is filled with expressions introduced by Erasmus, which if taken litterally would be silly.

Not only is the original translation wrong, it is not to be taken literal either, other, technically better, versions/translations of the bible use “assurance” or better “conviction” instead of “evidence”. Suggesting faith = evidence excludes you from having a sensible thought, action or discussion and participate in a useful manner. Not something only religious folks do though. America is infected with anti-intellectualism by evangelical protestants who were too dumb for europe. Proof of that you can find easily in the politics and led forums where faith=evidence too.

Instead of wasting time on the bible, read this non-fiction book and save thyself from the path to idiocracy:
If your bowl is filled with white widow you see the white widow and there is thus no evidence of the things not seen. Hope is a wish for something that you don't have...the hope or wish is the unseen...the white widow is the evidence or proof of the persons faith. NO FAITH...NO WHITE WIDOW
I'm not into religious doctrine myself. I don't think a person needs a book written by whomever in-order to have personal responsibility/morals/love and etc. I have no issues with the religious folks long as they aren't pushing others to obey by their way of life from a "God" they worship. I feel people should do good/treat each well because it's the right way to go about things/not because expect some reward coming in the after death.
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god helps those who help themselves. he quit the whole feeding the multitudes thing after the flood.
i haven't been in a church since before most of you were born, and i seem to remember more than you all have ever learned to begin with
If your bowl is filled with white widow you see the white widow and there is thus no evidence of the things not seen. Hope is a wish for something that you don't have...the hope or wish is the unseen...the white widow is the evidence or proof of the persons faith. NO FAITH...NO WHITE WIDOW
Your logic and conclusion is incorrect. The main error is that your bowl is magically filled with white widow, you present that magical happening as a given, and then contribute it to faith. In reality you or someone else fills the bowl with something already seen to at least some. The same thing religious folk do when convincing themselves prayers got them what they wanted. Just because there was faith before and in white widow it does not follow that white widow appeared because of white widow as you claim in caps.,_ergo_propter_hoc The main reason why nobody tries to scientifically prove scripture is because it’s already irrational. If you claim 1+1=3 no scientist will feel compelled to prove that.
I have no issues with the religious folks long as they aren't pushing others to obey by their way of life from a "God" they worship. I feel people should do good/treat each well because it's the right way to go about things/not because expect some reward coming in the after death.
I agree but unfortunately evangelism is inheritly a part of every religion. If it’s not pushed on to others, it’s not a religion. Every healthy child is born as an intellectual critical thinking genius. Religion prevents a proper development of the brain and results in malfunctioning people like trump supporters.
I agree but unfortunately evangelism is inheritly a part of every religion. If it’s not pushed on to others, it’s not a religion. Every healthy child is born as an intellectual critical thinking genius. Religion prevents a proper development of the brain and results in malfunctioning people like trump supporters.

That's the problem with folks being taught how/what they should think instead of using critical thinking to reach their own views. There's a lot cult minded my way or be cursed type of mentality in religion.. I've ran into many/even family members who can't speak for themselves but instead repeat what their pastor said or even quote scriptures over having own original thoughts/views
Here is a weird thought.

They ask you to use faith as a follower
But they use very well known manipulation tactics.

Why don't they just put the money jar in the Middle of town and use faith to fill it.


Faith, that's why?

Nah, they figured out it is much more effective to have you sit in small groups being threatened that you will be separated from your loved ones for eternity.

Then the basket comes.

Sorry Im just feeling evil today. Lol
Your logic and conclusion is incorrect. The main error is that your bowl is magically filled with white widow, you present that magical happening as a given, and then contribute it to faith. In reality you or someone else fills the bowl with something already seen to at least some. The same thing religious folk do when convincing themselves prayers got them what they wanted. Just because there was faith before and in white widow it does not follow that white widow appeared because of white widow as you claim in caps.,_ergo_propter_hoc The main reason why nobody tries to scientifically prove scripture is because it’s already irrational. If you claim 1+1=3 no scientist will feel compelled to prove that. thing you are for sure [sativied] and just like all those faith people [you] don't get it.:sleep:my whole point is that there is NO FAITH on this planet.:wall: :peace:
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