What?! Mendel never said anything of the sort. My background is in evolutionary biology. I would know. Mendel was only interested in how traits were passed down, he had no interest in selective breeding.
Seed Junky is literally using the Jungle Boys cut of Wedding Cake in his crosses! Many breeders that have their stuff grown by Jungle Boys end up using their cuts in future breeding projects.
I never said I didn't like Jungle Boyz , and am no where near a hipster!
But let's look at what you are talking about in two scenario's.
Will go with a constant of 1000 seeds.
1st scenario.....You get 500 males and 500 females. To do the most proper breeding of a strain, looking for the best male and female to breed. Say taking 2 clones of each to insure successful clone.
You would have to make 2000 clones plus the 1000 seed strains you have . Those are huge numbers to run, and in most cases Federally big jail potential. Remember this is just for 1 strain.
You would then have to grow them out to make a true selection of the best of those 1000 seeds.. Then you can make , what you are saying, a true selection. Then once you found your keepers, you would do your pollination. Then you must run those seeds to see if what you bred turns out with all the dominant characteristics you were shooting for , and zero recessive expression.
Don't see anyone who will do it that way, but I don't know everything, and maybe they're some crazy bastards that do this?
2nd scenario(more likely)...1000 seeds are started, 500 males, 500 females. Selection is then based on general health, vigor, stem rub, any visible trichomes, leaf size and shape, growth rate, and possibly a special trait that is particular to that strain....
Then a selection of maybe 20 males and 20 females that best fit that description are kept, the rest culled. Then these males and females are grown out and the selection process begins. This part can get tricky, as now you might have 10 different females and 10 different males. Sone similarities and some differences. So now you try to narrow things down, but you like more than one. Just the same with the males. Some males exhibit some characteristics you like , but are different from each other. So now you're faced with having to choose one male and female out of this group. At this point, what your ideas were when you started, have potentially drifted to your selection of what your ideas have now changed to.
Not that this is going to be a bad thing necessarily, but you might have drifted so far from your initial program, that you might not end up where you wanted to, or what your customers were expecting. Another disadvantage of this kind of selection based on what you think is the best plants, might not actually be the best plants. As many have experienced, including myself, that some that we don't see as the best in veg, turn out to be the best once they start to flower. Winding up to be the most potent, best tasting, and heaviest yielding of all.
Smaller starting numbers allows one to explore more into the genetic traits of a particular cultivar or hybrid. Allowing full grow out of all seeds started, and makes it much easier, and in my opinion better, to select and keep on track with your initial breeding program.
But that's just how I see it, and that doesn't have to mean shit to anyone else.
Now that my brain hurts, i'm out!
Peace and good breeding to all, and all your unique and individual ways!