Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
ha ha..i have had a column heater on the go in the grow room....

growth rate IDK??.. I think gigs is just going extremely well. We are 21 days in. So say 3 days for seed to germ. 3 days for planted seed to show above soil/medium/rooter plug and a couple days for the helmet to fall off. that's a week there. So we are really only 14 days into veg if that. If gigs popped another seed and got a party cup going I don't think he would be at a disadvantage in the party cup challenge.

I am struggling with learning a new medium but I didn't think the plants were lagging that much.
P.S PHing sucks balls
Haha but I'm pretty sure he planted them a few days before you.


Well-Known Member
That's why my mates around town know when a smoke from rubes is being passed around...something to do with taste separates mine from a lot of weed soil mix kicks arse
Done properly it sure does,but it’s the care and extra attention you give them that make them stand out aswell. Anyone can grow ysmokable weed but not everyone can grow top shelf no matter if your in soil,coco or rock wool if you don’t have the genetics and you don’t have the touch your not going to have the high grade


Well-Known Member
coco can still be tasty tho right and good enough just soil is better yes im stiking with coco inddoors simp, er and easier soil out door
I’d take my gear on a good coco run over just about anyone else’s soil grown. Soil isn’t “better” perfectly grown coco vs perfectly grown organic soil yes I find the soil grown to be tastier and stronger but not by a huge amount and that’s just my preference. Growers skill and genetics play way more of a part in the final product