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They obviously have an understanding of physics that we don't. We still don't even fully understand matter, gravity, magnetism, or the nuclear forces, nor do we understand "dark matter" or energy. I'd like to believe we'll be able to discover how to successfully move through space at FTL speeds using new information about the actual composition of the universe, energy, and matter, but I don't think we'll make it that long.
The ionosphere is a solid barrier that is electrically charged. Its used to bounce satellite radio waves and radar waves. Look it up. Tesla knew how to tap into the earths magnetic field. You must have a solid barrier to reflect radar, radio or even sound waves. If you choose to deny this simple fact then you have my blessing as a fellow human to be a Globetard. Peace. The Globetards need love too. :dunce: :joint:
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Funny how you ignorantly reference physics, while dispelling science. And, the entire science community disagrees with you, so there's that.

Solid barrier. Jesus christ you are one dumb bastard.

You're two idiots from the second grade.
Funny how you ignorantly reference physics, while dispelling science. And, the entire science community disagrees with you, so there's that.

Solid barrier. Jesus christ you are one dumb bastard.

You're two idiots from the second grade.
Can you reflect radio and radar waves without a solid barrier?
But honestly the Tesla thing is one point I think everyone completely just does not give enough attention to...we could save so much time and money and environmental damage by using his ideas from almost 100 yrs ago..they have knows this shit for that long and what evidence that has got out is enough to cause an uproar of ppl wanting change imo...scientist apparently can only recreate things that he done by inches or feet when he did it for something like miles..he had ideas for crafts ..flying crafts that used this energy system back then..I think we are able to do so much more than we are told is sickening...this is prob why we have flat earthers beacuse oUr give lies so much..and at expensive of humanity...I have seen experiments in a small scale with magnetic propulsion u can't tell me we couldn't scale that might take a lot of work but once it's done it's done forever ..and it would be much safer I think that. Planes and shit like that...and once we use it for awhile we will evolve w it like do w all things....I think that it's simply the ppl running this world know if those steps are taken they I'll no longer be the tyrants they are and they use mmoney, power, misinformation to keep it from happening...and we prob would be on the verge of doing incredible things that the public would be totally aware of if we used these better methods and were told the truth about a lot of it..
If the Tesla concepts were useful, they would be used. Tesla has become another incorrect example of government tech suppression
I'm not sure. Its possible. At the same time I don't think they would want to watch us. Look at how we treat other humans let alone other species.

Though if they have the tech to get here I doubt they are worried about us.

How about this one. Humans have become advanced several times over but keep getting wiped back out to he stone age.
I think the fact that we compete with and even kill each other would be MORE interesting rather than less.

It is certainly true that we humans have destroyed our civilisations before, on many occasions. I think that would also be interesting for them to watch.

I guess the big question for us humans is can we keep our shit together long enough to become a discussing civilisation before we destroy ourselves again? Considering that we've progressed far enough to develop both nuclear weapons and global resource exploitation, if we fuck it up this time there might not be anything or anyone to start over.
I've tried to bring it back to aliens many times, but they're not what you think they are and they're not from where you think they are so how can we have this conversation if you're not willing to hear different points of view ?
I see no reason why we have to throw out the physics book to have a conversation about aliens.
How the hell can I do that..iv already tried just gets overlooked beacuse of the "HoTT debate" on the flat bs....but I see u did reply to the trace case I was asking about..I think one conclusion that some scientist came up w about the powder left behind was it was somehow used to illuminate something or used for a light source .. possibly..the woman that touched it said her hand went numb immediately ..and I think she has had complications from it ...the ring was glowing too...and the craft was said to be so bright that it temporarily blinded the boy who seen it..I'll see if I can look up the case of the substance left on the car that was hit and see if it had the same or similar makeup as this one...I know the car case was said to be a glowing orb or ball though

You don't need to convince me.

What about aliens?
They obviously have an understanding of physics that we don't. We still don't even fully understand matter, gravity, magnetism, or the nuclear forces, nor do we understand "dark matter" or energy. I'd like to believe we'll be able to discover how to successfully move through space at FTL speeds using new information about the actual composition of the universe, energy, and matter, but I don't think we'll make it that long.
Our imperfect understanding of physics still allows humans to do some pretty amazing things so I don't think either humans or aliens need a 'full' understanding of the sources to be able to travel in space.

That said, they must have some kind of advanced technology that we haven't discovered yet.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything....I was going back to the trace cases I mention before and in the post u replied to... some kind of craft(S) have been leaving white powdery substances where they were touching something...and other trace cases have been discovered as well..
The ionosphere is a solid barrier that is electrically charged. Its used to bounce satellite radio waves and radar waves. Look it up. Tesla knew how to tap into the earths magnetic field. You must have a solid barrier to reflect radar, radio or even sound waves. If you choose to deny this simple fact then you have my blessing as a fellow human to be a Globetard. Peace. The Globetards need love too. :dunce: :joint:
Back to your thread. Look, we've all asked nicely.
Ok. I think the residue is an interesting clue. But what is it a clue of?
That's what I asked u before ..I asked what u thought it could be..from the studies done in it apparently the combination of things found when combined I'm asking u what u think
But honestly the Tesla thing is one point I think everyone completely just does not give enough attention to...we could save so much time and money and environmental damage by using his ideas from almost 100 yrs ago..they have knows this shit for that long and what evidence that has got out is enough to cause an uproar of ppl wanting change imo...scientist apparently can only recreate things that he done by inches or feet when he did it for something like miles..he had ideas for crafts ..flying crafts that used this energy system back then..I think we are able to do so much more than we are told is sickening...this is prob why we have flat earthers beacuse oUr give lies so much..and at expensive of humanity...I have seen experiments in a small scale with magnetic propulsion u can't tell me we couldn't scale that might take a lot of work but once it's done it's done forever ..and it would be much safer I think that. Planes and shit like that...and once we use it for awhile we will evolve w it like do w all things....I think that it's simply the ppl running this world know if those steps are taken they I'll no longer be the tyrants they are and they use mmoney, power, misinformation to keep it from happening...and we prob would be on the verge of doing incredible things that the public would be totally aware of if we used these better methods and were told the truth about a lot of it..
Tesla was by his own admission both brilliant and a bit crazy. He investigated physical phenomena and mystical ideas. Some of his investigations led to amazing breakthroughs and many did not.

After 100 years we know which is which.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything....I was going back to the trace cases I mention before and in the post u replied to... some kind of craft(S) have been leaving white powdery substances where they were touching something...and other trace cases have been discovered as well..
Do you have any more detail about these? Have you seen any discussion of what the trace materials are?
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