Greenpoint seeds!!

I throw mine in the special trash that gets burned.I see some of these guys put them on the walls and light fixtures.Last thing i wanna do if my doors get kicked in is have them trying to get me for interstate travel of the seeds and the seed banks getting shut down.Would fuck it up for everyone else.I throw away every shred of that shit.
Wish some of these other guys in not so friendly states would do the same.

Just out of curiosity, how is it that you see that as a bigger security threat to you then the fact that I can simple enter greenpointseeds into google and you pop in at least 3 separate forums , not including instagram?
Seems to me you should smarten the fuck up yourself, outlaw......
Cheers :)
Just out of curiosity, how is it that you see that as a bigger security threat to you then the fact that I can simple enter greenpointseeds into google and you pop in at least 3 separate forums , not including instagram?
Seems to me you should smarten the fuck up yourself, outlaw......
Cheers :)
Are you mentally retarded?My online screen name is just a screen name.It does not exist in my grow room.Its not wired into my grow space.A empty us mail package or greenpoint sticker stuck to a hood will let the fuzz know where i got my gear.It's not what you know its what you can prove.
Are you mentally retarded?My online screen name is just a screen name.It does not exist in my grow room.Its not wired into my grow space.A empty us mail package or greenpoint sticker stuck to a hood will let the fuzz know where i got my gear.It's not what you know its what you can prove.

I think you need to learn the law a little better. Also I did notice a few of your posts on other forums saying they were from some such and such smartphone device.
I hate you and you also are not found of me. That being said once again I am offering some advice. Enough of about you can already be found online to use against you. Do with that knowledge whatever you like. Even thinking you are a straight goof I still do not want to see you locked up over this plant.
Cheers :)
I think you need to learn the law a little better. Also I did notice a few of your posts on other forums saying they were from some such and such smartphone device.
I hate you and you also are not found of me. That being said once again I am offering some advice. Enough of about you can already be found online to use against you. Do with that knowledge whatever you like. Even thinking you are a straight goof I still do not want to see you locked up over this plant.
Cheers :)
Impossible.there is no way it would say that.
Ah, the not-so-good old days when everyone in my neighborhood burned their trash in the back yard.

Some of that shit was highly toxic. One of my neighbors burned some old stereo equipment and it almost made me puke. :shock:
wow.. now that takes me back decades to the 60s. we lived north of denver in the burbs,
everyone had a concrete *burn barrel* for trash.
I loved that thing, I mean where else was a little kid allowed to play with fire :fire:
I use 2 devices only and never log on unless I'm connected through this.
View attachment 4127583
You do realize that is only a mirror. You phone can still be pinged from that location. You are sending udp packets to from that location. Those apps are not as secure as you think. So even when you lock VPN on your phone. Even with your little key lock on your taskbar. Your phone can be found easily. Just a heads up. Even if you would pay for the unlocked version (full version) which clearly you don't. You have to do more than open a VPN app to disappear. Good luck.
You do realize that is only a mirror. You phone can still be pinged from that location. You are sending udp packets to from that location. Those apps are not as secure as you think. So even when you lock VPN on your phone. Even with your little key lock on your taskbar. Your phone can be found easily. Just a heads up. Even if you would pay for the unlocked version (full version) which clearly you don't. You have to do more than open a VPN app to disappear. Good luck.
HUH?I pay 12 dollars a month for the service.Its a full service.I use to get Notices from the feds for software and Movie copyright infringement.Almost went to prison for that shit.Started using a VPN a while back and NEVER got another letter.If the Feds and copyright nerds cant track my IP for copyright infringement I highly doubt the local LEO can get through.
And the phone uses the service just the same as the laptop does.The VPN puts your identity behind a wall.Its what i pay for.
I also only use Offshore servers in countries that have subpoena laws.
Were you torrenting the shit, or what?

Always heard about that shit, but never met anyone that ever got popped.
Yeah man,back when demonoid and,isohunt and kickass torrents was the shit.pirated all kinds of shit.had website with PayPal and took donations on hard to find shit.
Use to use athena and proxy servers to crack porn sites and sell the logins.shit was more fun than profitable.back in the days of Yahoo chat shit was crazy.
I got popped for sure.long story short I beat everything but after I moved I downloaded a couple movies and got copyright notices from isp.
Switched to VPN Express a year and a half ago and havny gotten another letter.only reason I started to post on these forums.otherwise no way in hell I would be here.
Yeah man,back when demonoid and,isohunt and kickass torrents was the shit.pirated all kinds of shit.had website with PayPal and took donations on hard to find shit.
Use to use athena and proxy servers to crack porn sites and sell the logins.shit was more fun than profitable.back in the days of Yahoo chat shit was crazy.
I got popped for sure.long story short I beat everything but after I moved I downloaded a couple movies and got copyright notices from isp.
Switched to VPN Express a year and a half ago and havny gotten another letter.only reason I started to post on these forums.otherwise no way in hell I would be here.

So you started posting everywhere online because you stopped getting letters from the Feds?
Also I am wondering if their are any other criminal activities you have been involved with that you would like to openly admit on a public forum?
I feel bad for anyone who has anything to do with you. You have once again proven yourself to be a complete fucking moron. In the outlaw world you are obviously a rat just waitin to snitch.
Complete fucking joke.

Cheers :)
Hey Kemosabe, great news that the CBD oil is working for you in such a big way! My wife also suffers from chronic Lyme. She's never tried pure CBD oil for it tho. Have you had good results with CBD suppressing your lyme symptoms before this?

I purchased a couple bottles of the oil on 420 in hopes that it'll do the trick for her. We shall see. Perhaps Gu~ is producing the ultimate Lyme tonic? Let's hope!

This is my first time using CBD oil. I was on heavy opiates for a time and have recently gotten off them completly. The opiates worked so so but created more problems than they solved. So far the CBD oil has done much better than the opiates. I was in pain daily and it has been atleast a week since ive had severe pain. And i can sleep !! I am kinda in aww to be honest.

Feel free to p.m me as to not clog up the thread.
This is my first time using CBD oil. I was on heavy opiates for a time and have recently gotten off them completly. The opiates worked so so but created more problems than they solved. So far the CBD oil has done much better than the opiates. I was in pain daily and it has been atleast a week since ive had severe pain. And i can sleep !! I am kinda in aww to be honest.

Feel free to p.m me as to not clog up the thread.
If anything belongs here in this thread, its this kind of post. Glad to hear its working for you. I have had severe back issues myself for over 15 yrs and will not take opioids of any kind, so to think that there is potential relief out there is encouraging. I think I might get a bottle to sample because of your experience. Thx for sharing.